Letters Between a Father and Son父子之间
Naipaul, V. S.
In 1950, V. S. Naipaul travelled from Trinidad to England to
take up a place at Oxford University. Over the next few years
letters passed back and forth between V. S. Naipaul and his family
- particularly his beloved father Seepersad, but also his mother
and siblings. The result is a fascinating chronicle of Naipaul's
time at university; the love of writing that he shared with his
father and their mutual nurturing of literary ambition; the
triumphs and depressions of Oxford life; and the travails of his
family back at home.This engrossing collection has been updated
with new material. Spanning the early years of V. S. Naipaul's
burgeoning literary career, these letters touch time and again on
the craft of writing, and reveal the relationships and experiences
that formed and influenced one of the greatest and most enigmatic
literary figures of our age. 'Extraordinary and moving ...this book
is both heartening and terribly sad' - Alain de Botton, "Sunday
Telegraph". 'Rare and precious ...if any modern writer was going to
breathe a last gasp into the epistolary tradition, it was always
likely to be V. S. Naipaul' - Robert Winder, "New Statesman". 'A
fascinating psychological narrative' - Jason Cowley, "The
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