

Myers, Kenneth N. John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Myers, Kenneth N.  






Cost-efficient business contingency and continuity planning for a post-9/11 and Katrina world Disasters can happen. Contingency plans are necessary. But how detailed and expensive do your contingency and continuity plans really need to be? Employing a thoroughly practical approach, Business Continuity Strategies: Protecting Against Unplanned Disasters, Third Edition provides a proven methodology for implementing a realistic and cost-efficient business contingency program. Kenneth Myers--an internationally recognized contingency planning specialist--shows corporate leaders how to prepare a logical "what if" plan that would enable an organization to retain market share, service customers, and maintain cash flow if a disaster occurs. Completely updated throughout to reflect lessons learned from 9/11 and hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, Business Continuity Strategies, Third Edition helps cost-conscious senior management: * Establish a corporate contingency program policy and strategy that ensures timely completion of a plan, with minimal disruption to operations * Minimize plan development costs * Understand the importance of conducting briefings to communicate the proper mindset before the program development process begins * Save time and money by avoiding a consultant's traditional approach of extensive information-gathering that contributes little to the development of practical solutions, but much in the way of consultant fees Addressing countless hypothetical disaster scenarios doesn't make good business sense. Business Continuity Strategies, Third Edition helps companies focus on what is necessary to survive a natural catastrophe, workplace violence, or a terrorist attack. From the Inside FlapBusiness leaders in today's post-9/11, post-Katrina world know very well that natural catastrophes, workplace violence, and terrorist attacks can happen. While some level of protection is prudent, trying to anticipate every possible scenario is both costly and impractical. The first step in protecting against unplanned disasters is management's endorsement of a contingency program policy and strategy that restrains development costs while providing reasonable protection for vital facilities and critical operations. In this Third Edition of Business Continuity Strategies, Kenneth Myers—one of the world's foremost innovators in the field of business contingency planning—provides cost-conscious executives with a structured, time-tested blueprint to help companies develop an individualized strategic continuity program. Thoroughly updated throughout, each chapter in this new edition has been carefully revisited to reflect lessons learned from 9/11, as well as from incidents of workplace violence, and hurricanes Katrina and Wilma. Presenting a new contingency program paradigm, this timely book urges boards of directors to take a proactive role in insisting organizations institutionalize policies aimed at preventing workplace violence. The Third Edition documents employer workplace violence liabilities, describes the three stages of conduct prior to a workplace violence incident, and recommends preventive measures and supervisory training for coping with workplace violence incidents. Business Continuity Strategies clearly explains why many existing disaster recovery plans are inordinately detailed and costly to fund and maintain. It also presents a methodology for transitioning to a contingency program that is more cost-effective and realistic. In addition, it describes why Human Resources is the discipline best positioned to develop and administer business contingency programs.   This book presents organizations that have multiple locations with a step-by-step template for planning, developing, and administering facility and computer contingency programs consistent in purpose, scope, strategy, and level of detail. It also provides guidelines and controls to contain development costs and to ensure low-cost, interim processing strategies, consistent with the low probability of a disaster. The new edition documents thirty recommendations by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) following an investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center in New York City. These recommendations for improvement address increased structural integrity, enhanced fire endurance, improved fire resistance, increased fire protection, improved emergency response, and improved evacuation procedures for mobility-impaired building occupants. Few businesses can afford to shut down for an extended period of time, regardless of the cause. If the past few years have taught us anything, it's that disaster can strike in any shape, at any time. Be prepared with Business Continuity Strategies' time-tested framework, and help your company survive the unthinkable.


About the Author. Preface. 1 Defining the Problem. Business Continuity Concerns. Characteristics of a Sound Program. Cost-Reduction Opportunities. Need for Cost-Effective Solutions. Backup. 2 Workplace Violence. Background. Liability. Prevention. Incident Response. 3 Final Reports of the Federal Building and Fire Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster. Introduction. Increased Structural Integrity. Enhanced Fire Endurance of Structures. New Methods for Fire-Resistant Design of Structures. Improved Active Fire Protection. Improved Building Evacuation. Improved Emergency Response. Improved Procedures and Practices. Education and Training. Looking Forward. 4 New Contingency Program Paradigm. Background. Old Paradigm. New Paradigm. Transitioning to the New Paradigm. 5 Developing a Contingency Program. Management’s Responsibility. How Much Market Share Could Cost You? Protect Against What? Contingency Planning Requires Specialization. Increased Technology Dependency. Corporate Issue. Contingency Program Phases. Discretionary Expense. Project Planning. Awareness Education. Business Impact Analysis. Selecting a Methodology. Implementation. Maintenance and Testing. 6 Guidelines for Developing Contingency Programs at Multiple Locations. Background. Objectives and Scope. Section Ⅰ: Organization. Section Ⅱ: Standards for Implementation Planning. Section Ⅲ: Standards for Developing Interim Processing Strategies. Section Ⅳ: Documentation Standards. Section Ⅴ: Standards for Ongoing Maintenance and Testing. 7 Conceptual Business Continuity Strategies for Loss of Computer Operations. Policy and Strategy. Executive Summary. Glossary. Index.





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