

Randy Pennington John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Randy Pennington  






  In a competitive environment in which products and services are frequently interchangeable, what sets a great business apart from the competition? Everyone shares the same tactics, the same buzzwords, and the same technology, so why do some businesses consistently dominate their competitors? The answer lies in intangibles—the factors broadly defined as the organization's culture.  Over the course of his twenty-plus years as a business performance consultant, Randy Pennington has learned two vital truths about the most successful companies: they never lose focus on results, and they always create a compelling organizational culture that engages all employees in the company's mission.   These intangibles are what separate truly great companies from everybody else—and lead to consistent results. Results Rule! provides principles and strategies for building a remarkable organizational culture that will make you the standard by which the competition is measured. Applying its lessons will enable your organization to execute more effectively, engage all staff members in every project, and quickly respond to competition and changing markets.   The right culture can make all the difference. It will help you and your people focus on the fundamentals of your business; create better, more effective partnerships and teams; and encourage everyone to do what's best for the company rather than what's easiest for them. Pennington not only shows you how to create this culture, but gives real-world examples of people and companies who excel at getting results. You'll see what works for major organizations like Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart, and GE, as well as smaller, less well-known companies that lead, innovate, and get results in their own industries. Delivering results ultimately comes down to choices, and Pennington providesthe six principles you need to make and implement the right choices for long-term consistent results.   An endless number of books claim to solve your business's problems with the latest buzzwords and overhyped methodologies. Those books might make you feel better about yourself, but they probably won't make you feel any better about your business. The secret to success is simple: results rule! If you want to build a business that gets results, start here.


Preface Acknowledgments Chapter 1: It’s the Culture, Stupid!  The Marketplace Speaks  What the Best Know and Do  32 Years and Counting  A Results Rule! Culture  Organizational DNA  Change Performance to Change the Culture  Is Your Culture in Trouble?  It’s Never Just One Thing  Everyone Leads  Results Rules Chapter 2: Has-Beens, Wannabes, and Heroes  You Know Them by Their Performance  The Two-Year Wonders  Are You on the Right Track?  Faulty Thinking—Faulty Assumptions  More Faulty Assumptions  Moving toward Hero Status  The Pressure to Avoid the Truth  The Courage to Keep Asking  The Truth Begins with Open Communication  The Open Door  Selling Hats to Each Other  You Can’t Be All Three  So What?  Results and Responsibility  Can You Handle the Truth?  Results Rules Chapter 3: Pursue the Best over the Easiest  The Most Important Decision You Will Make  Three Types of Choices  Pursuing Your Best Purpose  The Ticket to the Party  Poor Fundamentals Make Your Distinction Irrelevant  If the Government Can Do It, Why Can’t You?  Doesn’t Everyone Want to Pursue the Best?  More than Money  Let’s Talk about People  Talent Does Not Always Win  Get the Sack  The Lilly Test  The Ultimate Choice  I Admit It  Disastrous Choices  What Choice Will You Make?  Results Rules Chapter 4: Leverage the Power of Partnerships Chapter 5: Focus the Energy Chapter 6: Show the Courage of Accountability Chapter 7: A Love Affair with Results Notes Index About the Author





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