THE POWER OF FEEDBACK(反馈的威力:将他人反馈转变为个人与专业变化的35条法则)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Joseph R. Folkman (Author)
"Some books are worthy of being recommended simply because of their subject matter. . . . There is no greater force to improve the quality of human relationships or improve the way organizations function than to multiply the amount and improve the quality of feedback." "Other books are worthy of being recommended . . . when an author takes an otherwise abstract, obtuse subject and turns it into an actionable, practical set of things to do. Joe Folkman has accomplished that task . . . helping individuals and organizations to develop feedback-rich environments . . . [and] change through the use of a variety of surveys and feed?-back instruments. He has made this topic highly engaging and accessible."
Foreword John H. “Jack” Zenger AcknowledgmentsIntroductionChapter 1. Reacting to FeedbackChapter 2. Why Did I Get That Feedback? Chapter 3. Improving Your Ability to Accept FeedbackChapter 4. Why Change? Chapter 5. Deciding What to Change Chapter 6. Fixing Weaknesses or Building Strengths? Chapter 7. Making Change Happen Chapter 8. Making Change Stick Chapter 9. Working Harder or Working Smarter? Afterword Notes Index About the Author
THE POWER OF FEEDBACK(反馈的威力:将他人反馈转变为个人与专业变化的35条法则) PDF格式下载