
Manon in Full Score《曼侬》全谱

朱尔·马斯奈 Dover









Composer Jules Massenet (1842-1912) exercised a profound influence on French opera, and Marion is the masterpiece of his numerous works. Marion's' 1884 premiere at the Opera-Comique in Paris secured Massenet's position as the leading French opera composer of his day. Offering an abundance of suave, sensuous melody, and what d'Indy called a "discreet and semi-religious eroticism," this opera has been a staple of the repertoire for over a century. In addition to its tremendous popularity in France, the work has been played in the leading opera houses, and the roles of Manon and Des Grieux have attracted many of the world's greatest singers, including Nellie Melba and Enrico Caruso. Massenet possessed a natural sense of graceful melody in a distinctively French style. In Manon he used leading themes and experimented with having the dialogue not sung in the usual recitativo secco but spoken over a slightly orchestrated accompaniment. The opera's continuing success attests to the success of Massenet's innovation, and music and opera lovers will delight in this attractive, inexpensive edition of the complete full score, reproduced from an authoritative French edition.


PreludeACT 1 The courtyard of an inn in Amiens, France Hola! He! Monsieur l'Hetelier?--Voyons, Monsieur t'Hetelier (Guillot, de Brdtigny, soprano trio, innkeeper) Entendez-vous la cloche--Allez/l l'auberge voisine (Chorus, Lescaut, guardsmen) Dieux! quel tracas et quel torment! (Chorus) Je suis encore tout etourdie (Manon, Lescaut) Partez! on sonne!--Dieux! quel tracas (reprise) (Chorus) Revenez, Guillot, revenez! (Soprano trio, others) Regardez-moi bien dans les yeux--Ne bronchez pas,soyez gentille! (Lescaut)  Combien ces femmes sont jolies!--Voyons, Manon, plus de chimeres! (Manon) Mon pere! Oui, je le vois sourire--Et je sais votre nom!... On m'appelle Manon (Des Grieux, Manon Revenez, Guillot, revenez! (reprise) (Soprano trio) Plus un son! Le tour est tres plaisant!(Lescaut, Guillot, de Brdtigny, innkeeper, chorus)ACT 2 The apartment of Des Greux and Manon, Paris Prelude  Manon!... Avez-vous peur (Des Greux, Manon) Enfin, les amoureux--Ah! chevalier, je meurs d'effroi!O Manon, soyez sans effroi!(the same, with Lescaut, de Brdtigny) La chose est claire (the same) Je venais d'ecrire a mon pere-Venir ici sous un deguisement(the same)  Quartet: Voici l'heure prochaine-C'est que je l'adore!-Quel doute etrange--Vous l'epousez! (the same) Adieu, notre petite table (Marion) En fermant les yeux--C'est un reve (Des Greux, Manon)ACT 3 Scene 1 A festive holiday in the Cours-la-Reine, a Parisian park  Entr'acte: Gavotte  C'est fete au Cours-la-Reine! (Chorus)  Gavotte (off-stage orchestra)  La charmante promenade (Soprano trio, chorus)  Choisir! et pourquoi?--A quoi bon l'economie (Lescaut, chorus)  O Rosalinde (Lescaut)  Gavotte (as before)  Dig et dig et don (Guillot)  Voici les e1egantes! (Chorus)  Je marche sur tousles chemins (Manon)  Gavotte (as before)  Pardon, mais j'etais 1~ pres de vous--C'est un petit defaut-Faut-il donc savoir (Manon,   Count)  [The Paris Ballet performs]Prdambule: La Prdsentation L'Opera! voici l'Opera! (Guillot, de Brdtigny, chorus)   First entrance (orchestra)   Second entrance   Third entrance   Fourth entrance  C'est fete au Cours-la-Reine (Chorus) Scene 2 Outside the chapel at St. Sulpice  Prelude  Quelle e1oquence! (Devotees)  Les grands mots que voia!--t~pouse quelque brave fille (Count)  Je suis seul!--Ah! fuyez, douce image (Des Greux)  Pardonnez-moi, Dieu de toute puissance (Manon)  Toi! Vous! . . . Oui, c'est moi!--Oui! je fus cruelle et coupable (Des Greux, Manon)  Ah! perfide Manon! . . . Si je me repentais (same)  N'est-ce plus ma main que cette main presse? (Manon)  O Dieu! soutenez-moi... Je t'aime! (Des Greux, Manon)ACT 4 The Hotel de Transyluanie,ParisACT 5 On the road to Le Haure




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