历史和考试一览History and Examination at a Glance
Oversea Publishing House
Jonathan Gleadle
Oxford Kidney Unit, UK. Text provides a concise introduction to clinical history taking and examination. Includes key history taking skills, history and examination of the systems, and history taking and examination of the common clinical presentations. Halftone illustrations. For medical students. Softcover. DNLM: Medical History Taking--Handbooks.
Preface List of abbreviations Part 1 Taking a history 1 Relationship with patient 2 ttistory of presenting complaint 3 Past medical history, drugs and allergies 4 Family and social history 5 Functionalenquiry Part 2 History and examination of the systems 6 Is the patient ill'? 7 Principles of examination 8 The cardiovascular system 9 The respiratory system 10 The gastrointestinal system 11 The male genitourinary system 12 Gynaecological history and examination 13 Breast examination 14 Obstetric history and examination 15 The nervous system 16 The musculoskeletal system 17 Skin 18 The visual system 19 Examination of the ears, nose, mouth, throat, thyroid and neck 20 Examination of urine 21 The psychiatric assessment 22 Examination of the legs 23 General examination 24 Presenting a history and examination Part 3 Presentations 25 Chest pain 26 Abdominal pain 27 Headache 28 Vomiting, diarrhoea and change in bowel habit 29 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage 30 Indigestion and dysphagia 31 Weight loss 32 Fatigue 33 The unconscious patient 34 The intensive care unit patient 35 Back pain 36 Hypertension 37 Swollen legs 38 Jandice 39 Postoperative fever 40 Suspected meningitis 41 Anaemia 42 Lymphadenopathy 43 Cough 44 Confusion 45 Lump 46 Breast lump 47 Palpitations/arrhythmias 48 Joint problems 49 Red eye 50 Dizziness 51 Breathlessness 52 Dysuria andhaematuria 53 Attempted suicide 54 Immunosuppressed patients 55 Diagnosing death 56 Shock 57 Trauma 58 Alcohol-related problems 59 Collapse Part 4 Conditions Cardiovascular 60 Myocardial infarction and angina 61 Hypovolaemia 62 Heart failure 63 Mitral stenosis 64 Mitral regurgitation 65 Aortic stenosis 66 Aortic regurgitation 67 Tricuspid regurgitation 68 Pulmonary stenosis 69 Congenital heart disease 70 Aortic dissection 71 Aortic aneurysm 72 Infective endocarditis 73 Pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis 74 Prosthetic cardiac valves 75 Peripheral vascular disease Endocrinelmetabolic 76 Diabetesmellitus 77 Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism 78 Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome 79 Hypopituitarism 80 Acromegaly ……OtherIndex
历史和考试一览History and Examination at a Glance PDF格式下载