Aspen Publishers
James Brook
A favorite among law students and professors alike, the Examples & Explanations series is ideal for studying, reviewing and testing your understanding through application of hypothetical examples. Authored by leading professors with extensive classroom experience, Examples & Explanations titles offer hypothetical questions in the subject area, complemented by detailed explanations that allow you to test your knowledge of the topic, and compare your own analysis.
PrefaceAcknowledgmentsA Note on "the Revisions"PART ONE: THE BASIC LAW OF NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS 1. What Is a Negotiable Instrument? 2. Principles of Negotiation and Becoming a Holder 3. Liability on the Negotiable Instrument 4. Issues of Agency 5. Accommodation Parties 6. Effect on the Underlying ObligationPART TWO: THE HOLDER IN DUE COURSE 7. Who Qualifies as a Holder in Due Course? 8. Defenses, Claims of Others, and the Holder in Due Course 9. The Consumer ContextPART THREE: THE CHECK COLLECTION SYSTEM 10. The Basic Scheme of Check Collection 11. Final Payment 12. Expedited Return Under Regulation CCPART FOUR: THE BANK-CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP 13. The Duty to Pay and Wrongful Dishonor 14. Stopping Payment 15. Funds Availability Under Regulation CCPART FIVE: PROBLEMS OF THEFT, FORGERY, AND ALTERATION 16. Who Bears the Risk of Theft, Forgery, and Alteration? 17. Special Rules for Special Situations 18. The Bank Statement RulePART SIX: ELECTRONIC MEANS OF PAYMENT:THE CONSUMER CONTEXT 19. Credit Cards 20. Debit Cards and ATM TransactionsPART SEVEN: ELECTRONIC MEANS OF PAYMENT:THE COMMERCIAL CONTEXT 21. Introduction to Commercial Electronic Funds Transfers and Article 4A 22. Security Procedures and the Risk of Theft 23. Errors in ExecutionTable of U.C.C.CitationsIndex