Aspen Publishers
Richard G. Singer, John Q La Fond 著
Part of the unique, time-tested Examples & Explanations series, Criminal Law: Examples & Explanations, Fourth Edition combines textual material with well-written and comprehensive examples, explanations, and questions to test students understanding of the material and provide practice in applying information to fact patterns. Utilizing well-known cases, this brief text is an ideal supplemental source for your Criminal Law course. Additionally, the questions, which call upon a variety of issues in one fact pattern, mirror those that students will face on a law school or bar examination, affording them valuable practice.
Chapter 1. The Sources and Limitations of the Criminal Law Chapter 2. The Purposes of Punishment Chapter 3. Actus Reus Chapter 4. The Doctrine of Mens Rea Chapter 5. Mistake Chapter 6. Strict Liability Chapter 7. Causation Chapter 8. Homicide Chapter 9. Rape Chapter 10. Theft Chapter 11. Solicitation Chapter 12. Attempt Chapter 13. Conspiracy Chapter 14. Complicity Chapter 15. Defenses: An Initial Survey Chapter 16. Acts in Emergency: Justification vs. Excuse Chapter 17. Defenses Based on Individual CharacteristicsTable of Selected CassIndex