知识产权法,2006法令增补本Intellectual Property 2006 Statutory Supplement
Aspen Pub
Merges, Robert P./ Menell, Peter S./ Lemley, Mark A.
The intellectual property laws nearly every year.To keep your Intellectual Property course up to date,rely on this comprehensive 2006 Statutory Supplement to provide the latest legislative and international developments in all areal of Intellectual Preperty.
PrfaceRules and Statutes Restatement of Torts Uniform Ttade Secrets Act and California Civil Code Economic Espionage Act of 1996 Partent Act Copyright Act Trademarks and Unfair Competition Criminal Penalties Selected State Codes Paris Convention for the Prtection of Industuial Property Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade:Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Sherman Antitrust Act National Cooperative Research Act Appendix A-Biotechnology:An Intrduction to the Technology Appendix B-Introduction to Computer Technology
知识产权法,2006法令增补本Intellectual Property 2006 Statutory Supplement PDF格式下载