
刑事诉讼法大全,2006增补版Comprehensive Criminal Procedure 2006 Case Supplement

Ronald Jay Allen 著 Aspen Publishers



Aspen Publishers  


Ronald Jay Allen 著  




Table of CasesPART ONE THE CRIMINAL PROCESS Chapter 2 The Idea of Due Process C.The Residual Due Process Clause Hamdi v.Rumsfeld Notes and QuestionsPART TWO THE RIGHT TO COUNSEL-THE LINCHPIN OF CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION Chapter 3 The Right to Counsel and Other Assistance A.The Constitutional Requirements 2.Further Emanations of the Right to Counsel—Counsel on Appeal and Other Forms of Assistance B.Effective Assistance of Counsel 1.The Meaning of Effective Assistance Rompilla v. Beard Notes and Questions Note on Ineffective Assistance, Habeas Corpus, and the Death Penalty C.Some Implications of the Right to Counsel 3.The Right to Counsel of One's Choice United States v. Gonzalez-Lopez Notes and QuestionsPART THREE THE RIGHT TO BE LET ALONE—AN EXAMINATION OF THE FOURTH AND FIFTH AMENDMENTS AND RELATED AREAS Chapter 5 The Fourth Amendment B.The Scope of the Fourth Amendment 1.The Meaning of "Searches" a.The Relationship Between Privacy and Property Illinois v. Caballes Notes and Questions c.Privacy and Technology 3.To Whom Does the Fourth Amendment Apply? C.Probable Cause and Warrants 1.The Probable Cause Standard 2.The Warrant "Requirement" United States v. Grubbs Muehler v. Mena Notes and Questions 3."Exceptions" to the Warrant "Requirement" a.Exigent Circumstances Brigham City v. Stuart Notes on Punitive and Protective Policing D.Reasonableness 3."Special Needs" b.Non-Police Searches E.Consent Searches Georgia v. Randolph Notes and Questions F.Remedies 1.Limits on the Exclusionary Remedy c."Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" Doctrine Hudson v. Michigan Notes and Questions Chapter 6 The Fifth Amendment B.The Contours of the Privilege Against Serf-Incrimination 1."No Person ... Shall Be Compelled":The Meaning of Compulsion D. Police Interrogation 1.Police Interrogation and the Miranda Revolution Chapter 7 Investigating Complex CimesPART FOUR THE ADJUDICATION PROCESS Chapter 8 The Charging Decision Chapter 9 Bail,Detention,and the Right to a Speedy Trial Chapter 10 Guilty Pleas and Plea Bargaining Chapter 11 Discovery and Disclosure Chapter 12 The Jury and the Criminal TrialPART FIVE POSTTRIAL PROCEEDINGS Chapter 13 Sentencing Chapter 14 Double Jeopardy Chapter 15 Appellate and Collateral ReviewSelected Statutes and Rules




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