

Simon, Jinjer John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Simon, Jinjer  




Excel(r) Programming 2nd Edition  Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 120 key Excel programming techniques, including:  Creating and launching keyboard shortcuts  Setting macro security  Assigning a digital signature  Developing a function with VBA  Displaying a built-in dialog box  Converting a list into an array  Using the msgbox function  Processing a runtime error  Saving a workbook in a specified format  Finding the intersection of two ranges.


HOW TO USE THIS BOOK GETTING STARED WITH EXCEL MACROS  Introduction to Macros  Record a Macro  Run a Macro  Create and Launch a Keyboard Shortcut  Delete a Macro from a Workbook  Delete from the Personal Macro Workbook  Assign a Macro to a Toolbar Button Assign a Macro to a Menu  Set Macro Security USING THE VISUAL BASIC EDITOR  An Introduction to the Visual Basic Editor  Activate the Visual Basic Editor  Arrange the Visual Basic Editor Windows Set Properties for a Project  Set Display Options for the Code Window  Add a New Module Remove a Module  Rename a Macro4  Create a Startup Macro  Hide a Macro  Assign a Digital Signature to a Macro  Update a Recorded Macro VBA PROGRAMMING BASICS  An Introduction to VBA  Create a Subroutine  Create a Function  Declare a Variable  Perform Mathematical Calculations Create a Constant  Comment Your Code  Join Two Strings WORKING WITH THE EXCEL OBJECT MODEL  An Introduction to the Excel Object Model 、 Using the Object Browser  Create an Object Variable  Change the Properties of an Object  Compare Object Variables  Using an Object Method  Display a Built-in Dialog Box USING VARIABLES AND ARRAYS  Assign Values to Variables  Using Global Variables  Declare an Array  Declare a Multidimensional Array  Convert a List into an Array  Redimension an Array  Create a User-Defined Data Type ADDING CONTROL STATEMENTS  Execute a Task While a Condition is True2  Perform Multiple Tasks Until a Condition is Met  Execute Tasks a Specific Number of Times  Using the For Each Next Loop  Conditionally Execute a Group of Statements  Execute a Statement Based upon the Value  Jump to a Specific Location in a Macro  Conditionally Call a Subroutine USING BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS AND STATEMENTS  Using Excel Worksheet Functions  Using the MsgBox Function  Using the InputBox Function  Retrieve Current Date and Time  Determine the Amount of Time between Dates  Format a Date Expression  Format a Numeric Expression  Remove Extra Spacing from a String  Return a Portion of a String  Compare Two Strings DEBUGGING MACROS  Debugging Basics  Debug a Procedure with Inserted Break Points  Using Watch Expressions to Debug a Procedure  Step through a Procedure  Resume Execution if an Error is Encountered  Process a Runtime Error WORKING WITH OTHER WORKBOOKS AND FILES  Open a Workbook  Open a Text File as a Workbook  Open a File Requested by the User  Save a Workbook6  Save Workbook in Format Specified by User  Determine if a Workbook is Open0  Close a Workbook  Create a New Workbook  Delete a File  Find a File WORKING WITH WORKSHEETS  Add a Sheet  Delete a Sheet  Move a Sheet  Copy and Paste a Sheet  Hide a Sheet  Change the Name of a Sheet  Save a Sheet to Another File  Protect a Worksheet  Protect a Chart  Print a Sheet  Sort Worksheets by Name DEFINING RANGES  Using the Range Property  Using the Cells Property  Combine Multiple Ranges  Using the Offset Property  Delete a Range of Cells  Hide a Range of Cells  Specify the Name of a Range  Resize a Range  Insert a Range  Set the Width of Columns in a Range  Set the Height of Rows in a Range  Convert a Column of Text into Multiple Columns  Find the Intersection of Two Ranges WORKING WITH CELLS  Cut and Paste Ranges of Cells  Copy and Paste Ranges of Cells0  Custom Paste Values in Cells Add Comments to a Cell  Automatically Fill a Range of Cells  Copy a Range to Multiple Sheets  Place Borders around a Range of Cells  Find Specific Cell Values  Find and Replace Values in Cells CUSTOMIZING DIALOG BOXES, MENUS, AND TOOLBARS  UserForm Basics  Working with CommandBars  Create a Custom Dialog Box  Call a Custom Dialog Box from a Procedure  Capture Input from a Custom Dialog Box  Validate Input from a Dialog Box  Create Custom UserForm Controls Create a UserForm Template  Create a Custom Toolbar  Add Controls to a Toolbar Create a Custom Menu  Add Items to a Menu  Create a Shortcut Menu  Delete Custom Toolbars and Shortcut Menus WORKING WITH CHARTS  Chart Basics  Create a Chart Sheet  Embed a Chart within a Worksheet  Apply Chart Wizard Settings to a Chart  Add a New Data Series to a Chart  Format Chart Text  Create Charts with Multiple Chart Types  Determine Variations in a Series of Data Add a Data Table to the Chart  Customize the Chart Axis AUTOMATING PROCEDURES WITH EXCEL EVENTS  Understanding Excel Events  Run a Procedure as a Workbook Opens  Run a Procedure before Closing a Workbook  Run a Procedure before Saving a Workbook  Run a Procedure When Excel Creates a Workbook  Monitor a Range of Cells for Changes  Execute a Procedure at a Specific Time  Execute a Procedure When You Press Keys  Run a Procedure When Right-Clicking a Chart APPENDIX A: VBA QUICK REFERENCE  VBA and Excel Object Model Quick Reference APPENDIX B: ABOUT THE CD-ROM  What Is on the CD-ROM  Using the E-Version of This Book  Wiley Publishing, Inc End-User License Agreement




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