
Rummler原则指导下的诚挚业绩辅导 Serious Performance Consulting According to Rummler

Geary A. Rummler John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Geary A. Rummler  




Learn what Geary Rummler means by Serious Performance Consulting (SPC) as you follow an extensive case study that shows what SPC engagement looks like and what a serious performance consultant does. In this examination, you'll see how to use SPC to: Find a viable critical business issue and establish how a project's success will be evaluated. Use a conceptual performance analysis framework to generate hypotheses for gaps in results. Establish the difference between "is" and "should" performance and the find the cause behind it. Specify a solution set that addresses all significant factors that affect the gap in results. "The idea behind Serious Performance Consulting According to Rummler is as simple as it is brilliant: Take a successful project and let the reader follow the performance consultant through the project. Geary Rummler tops it off with a play-by-play commentary in which he explains the consultant's reasoning and offers the reader the benefit of his experience." Klaus Wittkuhn, certified performance technologist and management consultant, Germany and South Africa "No smoke, no mirrors, no double-talk. This is much more than a how-to book; it's a professional development plan for any performance consultant who wants to master the craft." John Coné, former chief learning officer, Dell Computer, and consultant in organizational learning


Accoring to Whom? Foreword. Preface. Introduction. A Typical Situation. Serious Performance Consulting. Characteristics of a Serious Performance Consultant Looking Ahead. Introduction Highlights. Part One: The NuPlant Case Study. 1. Welcome to NuPlant. The Request. Responding to the Request. Chapter 1 Highlights. 2. Performance Analysis Framework and Process. Applying the Anatomy of Performance Framework. The Anatomy of Performance. Making a Diagnosis. Prescribing Changes. The Analysis Process. Chapter 2 Highlights. 3. The NuPlant Case Study. Phase I: Desired Results Determined and Project Defined. Phase II: Barriers Determined and Changes Specified. Summary of Bert's Findings. Final Report Postscript. Chapter 3 Highlights. 4. Case Study Debrief. NuPlant Project Review. Top 10 Reasons Why the NuPlant Project is My Favorite. A Critique of the NuPlant Project. Project Generalizations. Scalability of Models. The Anatomy of Performance and Culture. The Anatomy of Performance and Leadershp. Wrapping uo the Case Study. Chapter 4 Highlights. Part Two: The Craft of Serious Performance Consulting. 5. Performance Analysis and the Internal Consultant. Serious Performance Consulting on the Inside. The Organizational Reality of the Internal Performance Consultant. Dealing with Organizational Realities as an Internal Consultant. Tools to Assist the Internal Performance Consultant. Internal Performance Consulting: An Example. Chapter 5 Highlights. 6. A Path to Become a Performance Consultant. Dimensions of Serious Performance Consulting Capability. Building Your Serious Performance Consulting Capability. The Path Forward. How About You? Chapter 6 Highlghts. Appendix A: NuPlant Project Findings. Appendix B: NuPlant Project Recommendations. Glossary. References. Additional Resources.




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