Blackwell Pub
Werhane, Patrician H. (EDT)/ Freeman, R. Edward (EDT)
In the years since the Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics, First Edition was published, the business ethics climate has changed dramatically, particularly with revelations of financial impropriety from companies such as Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing, and Tyco. Consequently, the second edition of this volume, while maintaining the standard terms and concepts in business ethics, now weaves the lessons learned from these instances of financial malfeasance into many of the entries, and includes many new subjects such as corporate citizenship, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and socially responsible investing. This edition also has entries pertaining to the increasingly sophisticated technology and science of today's world: E-Business, Internet and Business Ethics, nanotechnology, and biodiversity. Many of the entries, particularly those dealing with different countries, have been updated to reflect the current business climate of those countries.作者简介: Patricia H. Werhane, Ruffin Professor of Business Ethics and Senior Fellow of the Olsson Center for Applied Ethics, holds a joint appointment at Darden and at DePaul University, where she is Wicklander Chair in Business Ethics and Director of the Institute for Business and Professional Ethics. Werhane teaches Ethics Courses in the Darden MBA program, heads the school's Doctoral Program Operating Committee, and is Academic Advisor for the Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics. She is a prolific author, an acclaimed authority on employee rights in the workplace, one of the leading scholars on Adam Smith, and founder and former editor-in-chief of Business Ethics Quarterly, the leading journal of business ethics.She was a founding member and past president of the Society for Business Ethics.
PrefaceAbout the EditorsList of ContributorsDictionary Entries A-ZIndex