昆虫袖珍指南A Pocket Guide to Insects
Hook, Patrick
Most people first encounter insects as young children,with colorful creatures such as butterflies often being among the first wild animals they ever see。Insects can be found in almost every kind of habitat on Earth,and occur in a spectacular array of forms。They are the most numerous and diverse group of all animals。Although many,such as mosquitoes,aphids,termites,and horse flies are harmful to mankind,others are beneficial。These include pollinators like bees and butterflies,as well as vast numbers of species which prey on pests—examples range from ladybugs and lacewings to praying mantids and dragonflies。So far,science has recorded around 360,000 species of beetle,180,000 kinds ofbutterfly and moth,120,000 flies,110,000 bees,wasps,and ants,82,000 true bugs,20,000 grasshoppers,5,000 dragonflies,2,000 praying mantids,and many many others。It is thought,however,that there may be more than ten times as many more。 Tragically,large numbers of insects across the world are being made extinct as the result of human activities such as rampant deforestation and widespread pollution。For this reason,it is more important than ever for people to learn what they can about wildlife,and then to do anything possible to help preserve it。This book sets out to present the many different types of insect one can expect to see around the world,from the delicate wonders of butterflies and moths,through various kinds of dragonflies,true flies,bees,wasps,and ants,as well as grasshoppers,bugs,beetles,antlions,mantids,phasmids,and termites。
INTRoDUCTION Insect Structure and Form Insect Nervous Systems Insect Anatomy Scheme Insect SizesTHE LlFE OF AN INSECT Insect Life—Cycles Evolution Communication Iocomotion Behavior and Socialitv Habitats Hunlan Insect Interaction Insect Predators Conservation Naming and Taxonomy BUTTERFLIES MOTHS DRAGONFLIES&DAMSELFLIES FLIESBEES,WASPS,SAWFLIES,&ANTSGRASSHOPPERS,CRICKETS,&LOCUSTS TRUE BUGS BEETLES NEUROPTERANS OTHER INSECT ORDERS GlossaryIndexPicture Credits
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