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Indian cuisine has never been more popu lar i n the West than it is today Whilst in the past our experiences of Indian food may have been limited to a visit to our Ioca I ndian restaurant or takeaway,many home cooks are now discovering how simple it can be to prepare delicious and authentic—tasting Indian dishes in their own kitchens.Full of flavour and variety,Indian cuisine is the perfect choice for anyone wishing to extend their culinary repertoire and create deliciously different meals using both familiarand more exotic ingredients. 111 tempting and deIicious recipes Brief introduction to each chapter,full of useful ideas and tips A clear and easy—t0—follow ingredents litS list and method for each recipe to ensure a perfect resuIt Inspi ring photography of each recipe to set your taste buds tingling
introductionchickenmeatfish & seafoodvegetables & pulsessnacks & accompanimentsdesserts & drinks index