
大学入学申请指南 Winning the Heart of the College Admissions Dean

Joyce Slayton Mitchell Ten Speed Press (2001年9月1日)



Ten Speed Press (2001年9月1日)  


Joyce Slayton Mitchell  






Applying to college is the culmination of years of hard work late-night study sessions, grueling SAT preparation, and hours of dedication to extracurricular activities. It’s also a process that often overwhelms both students and parents. In this collection of insightful, candid advice from college-counseling guru Joyce Slayton Mitchell, students and parents will find the core information they need to confidently research colleges, write essays, fill out applications, make sense of financial aid and interviews, and, most important, win the heart of many a college admissions dean. Completely revised and updated with thorough coverage of the new SATs, a new chapter on April decisions, and attention to institutional priorities, WINNING THE HEART OF THE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS DEAN is your guide to navigating the college selection and application process with sanity and hope. 作者简介: JOYCE SLAYTON MITCHELL is Director of College Advising at the Nightingale-Bamford School in New York City. Mitchell serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for the College Board Review and on the school committee of U.S. News & World Report's special college issue. She is the author of more than thirty-three works ofnonfiction and travels throughout the United States and abroad speaking about get-ting into American colleges. Her college advice column can be found online at www. collegeadviceUSA.com.


Introduction Seven Basic Assumptions How This Book Will Help The College Selection Calendar International Students:Welcome to College USA Americans Abroad: Welcome Home!PART Ⅰ: Developing Your College List Chapter 1—Self-Assessment Goals andValues Academics The Kid behind the Numbers Activities, Interests, and Aspirations Personality, Character, and Relationship to Others Chapter 2—College Admissions Testing SAT Prep Preliminary SAT (PSAT) The SAT and ACT Tests Advanced Placement Tests Chapter 3—What's Out There? Researching the Colleges Research Questions Keep Your Eyes—and Options—Open Researching Campus Cultures View Books, College Catalogs, and the Net College Representatives Who VisitYour High School Your High School Faculty College Visits Chapter 4—The College Visit Scheduling the College Visit How to See Collecting the Data Chapter 5—Communications: Personalize, Personalize, Personalize Communicating the Academic Record and Balanced List to Parents Communication Means Personalizing What's the Dean Looking For? Chapter 6—College Economics 101 Six College Money Principles Last Word on Financial Aid Chapter 7—Final List: Eight First Choices Do You Want to Get In? Eight First Choices: The Final Eight One First Choice: Early Decision, Early ActionPART Ⅱ: Applying to College Chapter 8—College Essay Who Are You? Writing the Essay What Deans of Admissions Look For A Reflection of You Chapter 9—The Application Organizing Applications The Common Application Number of Applications Writing the Application Short Answers Call for Creativity Supplementary Materials …… Chapter 10—The Interview Chapter 11—Late Decision(Wait Listed!) Chapter 12—TransfersPART Ⅲ A Word to the Wise Parents Chapter 13—A Parenting ChallengeAbout the AuthorAPPENDICESINDEX





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