儿科影像鉴别诊断 Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Radiology
Oversea Publishing House
Burgener, Francis A.; Kormano, Martti
Details the use of radiology and other medical imaging techniques in the diagnosis of paediatric conditions. This revised text has expanded chapters on the chest, airway, abdomen and head, plus the latest information on MRI, CT and ultrasound.
1 The Thorax Measurements and Calculations Tracheal Diameter in Neonates (Conventional Radiography) Transverse Tracheal Diameter (Conventional Radiography) The Tracheal Airway in Childhood and Adoles-cence (CT) Determination of the Thoracic Vertebral Level of the Tracheal Bifurcation Determination of the Carinal Angle The Trachea Imaging Caliber Changes Short-Segment Tracheal Stenosis Partial or Total Obstruction of the Trachea The Lungs Bilateral Hyperlucent Lungs Unilateral Hyperlucent Lung Bilateral Hazy Opacification Unilateral Hazy Opacification Opacification Homogeneous Opacification, Lobar or Segmental Nonhomogeneous Opacification of the Lung(with or without segmental or lobar boundaries; interstitial infiltrates) Wall-defined Infiltrates Miliary Pattern Nodular Densities Solid Round Masses (Solitary and Multiple) Cystic Changes in the Lungs (Honeycombing, Cavities, Ring Shadows) Pulmonary Calcifications The Hilum General Information Narrowing of the Hilum Pleura and Pleural Spaces The Pneumothorax Pleural Effusion Pleural Thickening in the Absence of Fluid The Chest Wall (Bony Thorax Including the Clavicle and Scapula) General Information The Sternum The Ribs Shortened Ribs Rib Anomalies Rib Absence Supernumerary Ribs The Clavicle Erosions and Contour Irregularities of the Medial End of the Clavicle (Sternoclavicular Joint) Handlebar Deformity of the Clavicle: Lateral Clavicular Hook Pseudarthrosis of the Clavicle The Scapula Shallow and Hypoplastic Glenoid Fossa Hazy, Poorly-Visualized Scapular Borders The Diaphragm Elevation of the Diaphragms Flattened Diaphragms Diaphragmatic Hernias, Congenital diaphragmatic Defects References2 The Mediastinum Heart and Great Vessels3 The Abdomen and Gastrointestinal Tract4 Urogenital Tract5 The Skull and Intracranial Space6 The Vertebral Column7 The Skeleton and Sort TissuesIndex
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