眼科。 Ophthalmology
Oversea Publishing House
G.K. Lang 著
The didactic concept of this book, grounded on years of teaching experience, considers all aspects of training: - it allows easy studying through clear yet comprehensive coverage, - easy memorizing by a well-structured presentation, and - easy application through a clear distinction between symptoms and diagnosis, tabular presentation of major symptoms, and extensive indexing. A role model for a pocket textbook designed for the study of the field of ophthalmology, extensively illustrated with high-quality color photographs and clear explanatory drawings.
1 The Ophthalmic Examination (Gabriele E. Lang, Gerhard K. Lang) 1.1 Equipment 1.2 History 1.3 Visual Acuity 1.4 Ocular Motility 1.5 Binocular Alignment 1.6 Examination of the Eyelids and Nasolacrimal Duct 1.7 Examination of the Conjunctiva 1.8 Examination of the Cornea 1.9 Examination of the Anterior Chamber 1.10 Examination of the Lens 1.11 Ophthalmoscopy 1.12 Confrontation Field Testing 1.13 Measurement of lntraocular Pressure 1.14 Eyedrops, Ointment, and Bandages 2 The Eyelids (Peter Wagner, Gerhard K. Lang) 2.1 Basic Knowledge 2.2 Examination Methods 2.3 Developmental Anomalies 2.3.1 Coloboma ... 20 2.3.2 Epicanthal Folds 2.3.3 Blepharophimosis 2.3.4 Ankyloblepharon 2.4 Deformities 2.4.1 Ptosis 2.4.2 Entropion 2.4.3 Ectropion 2.4.4 Trichiasis 2.4.5 Blepharospasm 2.5 Disorders of the Skin and Margin of the Eyelid 2.5.1 Contact Eczema 2.5.2 Edema 2.5.3 Seborrheic Blepharitis 2.5.4 Herpes Simplex of the Eyelids 2.5.5 Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus 2.5.6 Eyelid Abscess 2.5.? Tick Infestation of the Eyelids 2.5.8 Louse Infestation of the Eyelids 2.6 Disorders of the Eyelid Glands 2.6.1 Hordeolum 2.6.2 Chalazion 2.7 Tumors 2.7.1 Benign Tumors DuctalCysts Xanthelasma Molluscum Contagiosum Cutaneous Horn Keratoacanthoma Hemangioma Neurofibromatosis(Recklinghausen's Disease) 2.7.2 Malignant Tumors Basal CellCarcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Adenocarcinoma 3 Lacrimal System (Peter Wagner, Gerhard K. Lang) 3.1 Basic Knowledge 3.2 Examination Methods 3.2.1 Evaluation of Tear Formation 3.2.2 Evaluation of Tear Drainage 3.3 Disorders of the Lower Lacrimal System 3.3.1 Dacryocystitis Acute Dacryocystitis Chronic Dacryocystitis Neonatal Dacryocystitis 3.3.2 Canaliculitis 3.3.3 Tumors of the Lacrimal Sac 3.4 Lacrimal System Dysfunction 3.4.1 Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca ……4 Conjunctiva5 Cornea6 Sclera7 Lens8 Uveal Tract(Vascular Pigmented Layer)9 Pupil10 Glaucoma11 Vitreous Body12 Retina13 Optic Nerve14 Visual Pathway15 Orbital Cavity16 Optics and Refractive Errors17 Ocular Motility and Strabismus18 Ocular Trauma19 Cardinal SymptomsIndex