语义网的智能信息整合Intelligent Information Integration for the Semantic Web
Springer-Verlag New York Inc
Visser, Ubbo
The semantic Web offers new opportunities for information processes. This book is devoted to the core issue of data integration at the semantic level and demonstrates the applicability of the techniques developed to spatio-temporal representation and reasoning and geographic information systems. Preceded by a motivating introduction and an overview of the state of the art in the field of information integration, fundamental problems of terminological representation, terminological reasoning, and semantic translation are treated in detail. The theoretical results and techniques developed are applied to intelligent conceptual and spatio-temporal queries of heterogeneous geographic information systems.
Part I Introduction and Related Work 1 Introduction 1.1 Semantic Web Vision 1.2 Research Topics 1.3 Search on the Web 1.4 Integration Tasks 1.5 Organization2 Related Work 2.1 Approaches for Terminological Representation and Reasoning 2.1.1 The Role of Ontologies 2.1.2 Use of Mappings 2.2 Approaches for Spatial Representation and Reasoning 2.2.1 Spatial Representation 2.2.2 Spatial Reasoning 2.2.3 More Approaches 2.3 Approaches for Temporal Representation and Reasoning 2.3.1 Temporal Theories Based on Time Points 2.3.2 Temporal Theories Based on Intervals 2.3.3 Summary of Recent Approaches 2.4 Evaluation of Approaches 2.4.1 Terminological Approaches 2.4.2 Spatial Approaches 2.4.3 Temporal ApproachesPart II The Buster Approach for Terminological, Spatial,and Temporal Representation and Reasoning 3 General Approach of Buster 3.1 Requirements 3.2 Conceptual Architecture 3.2.1 Query Phase 3.2.2 Acquisition Phase 3.3 Comprehensive Source Description 3.3.1 The Dublin Core Elements 3.3.2 Additional Element Descriptions 3.3.3 Background Models 3.3.4 Example 3.4 Relevance 4 Terminological Representation and Reasoning, Semantic Translation 4.1 Requirements 4.1.1 Representation 4.1.2 Reasoning 4.1.3 Integration/Translation on the Data Level 4.2 Representation and Reasoning Components 4.2.1 Ontologies 4.2.2 Description Logics 4.2.3 Reasoning Components 4.3 Semantic Translation 4.3.1 Context Transformation by Rules 4.3.2 Context Transformation by Re-classification 4.4 Example: Translation ATKIS-CORINE Land Cover 5 Spatial Representation and Reasoning 5.1 Requirements 5.1.1 Intuitive Spatial Labeling 5.1.2 Place Names, Gazetteers and Footprints 5.1.3 Place Name Structures 5.1.4 Spatial Relevance 5.1.5 Reasoning Components 5.2 Representation 5.2.1 Polygonal Tessellation 5.2.2 Place Names 5.2.3 Place Name Structures 5.3 Spatial Relevance Reasoning 5.4 Example……Part III Implementation,Conclusion,and Future WorkReferences
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