
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems自然语言处理与信息系统

Montoyo, A.; Montoyo, Andrs; Munoz, Rafael 北京燕山出版社





Montoyo, A.; Montoyo, Andrs; Munoz, Rafael  




The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art results in computer science research,development,and education,at a high level and in both printed and electronic form.Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community,with numerous individuals,as well as with prestigious organizations and societies,LNCS has grown into the most comprehensive computer science research forum available. The scope of LNCS,including its subseries LNAI,spans the whole range of computer science and information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields.The type of material published traditionally includes. —proceedings (published in time for the respective conference) —post-proceedings (consisting of thoroughly revised final full papers) —research monographs(which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects,technical reports,etc.).


Regular PapersExtracting Semantic Taxonomies of Nouns from a Korean MRD Using a Small Bootstrapping Thesaurus and a Machine Learning ApproachOn the Transformation of Sentences with Genitive Relations to SQL QueriesBinary Lexical Relations for Text Representation in Information RetrievalApplication of Text Categorization to Astronomy Field Towards an XML Representation of Proper Names and Their RelationshipsE, mpirical Textual Mining to Protein Entities Recognition from PubMed CorpusAutomatic Extraction of Semantic Relationships for WordNet by Means of Pattern Learning from WikipediaCombining Data-Driven Systems for Improving Named Entity RecognitionNatural Language Processing:Mature Enough for Requirements Documents Analysis?Improving Text Categorization Using Domain KnowledgeA Process and Tool Support for Managing Activity and Resource Conflicts Based on Requirements ClassificationWeb-Assisted Detection and Correction of Joint and Disjoint Malapropos Word CombinationsWeb Directory Construction Using Lexical ChainsEmail Categorization with Tournament MethodsKnowledge-Based Information Extraction:A Case Study of Recognizing Emails of Nigerian FraudsExtended Tagging and Interpretation Tools for Mapping Requirements Texts to Conceptual (Predesign) Models Improving Question Answering Using Named Entity RecognitionUsing Semantic Roles in Information Retrieval SystemsText Categorization Based on Subtopic ClustersInterpretation of Implicit Parallel Structures A Case Study with "vice-versa"Text2Onto - A Framework for Ontology Learning and Data-Driven Change DiscoveryInteraction Transformation Patterns Based on Semantic Roles Query Refinement Through Lexical Clustering of Scientific Textual DatabasesAutomatic Filtering of Bilingual Corpora for Statistical Machine TranslationAn Approach to Clustering Abstracts……Author Index




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