
Theoretical Computer Science理论计算机科学/会议录

Mario Coppo 1 (2005年11月14日)



1 (2005年11月14日)  


Mario Coppo  




This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, ICTCS 2005, held at the Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy, in October 2005. The 29 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper and abstracts of 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 83 submissions. The papers address all current issues in theoretical computer science and focus especially on analysis and design of algorithms, computability, computational complexity, cryptography, formal languages and automata, foundations of programming languages and program analysis, natural computing paradigms (quantum computing, bioinformatics), program specification and verification, term rewriting, theory of logical design and layout, type theory, security, and symbolic and algebraic computation.


Invited Contributions Semantic Subtyping: Challenges, Perspectives, and Open Problems Biological Systems as Reactive Systems Mobile Agents Computing: Security Issues and Algorithmic SolutionsTechnical Contributions Efficient Algorithms for Detecting Regular Point Configurations Pickup and Delivery for Moving Objects on Broken Lines A Static Analysis of PKI Based Systems Subtyping Object and Rieeursive Types Logically The Language X: Circuits, Computations and Classical Logic Checking Risky Events Is Enough tor Local Policies The Graph Rewriting Calculus: Confluence and Expressiveness Safe Object Composition in the Presence of Sutyping Reachability Analysis in Boxed Ambients Error Mining for Regular Expression Patterns Reconstructing an Alternate Periodical Binary Matrlx from Its Orthogonal Projections Inapproximabillty Results for the Lateral Oene Transfer Problem Faster Deterministic Vgakeup in Multiple Access Channels Wclghted Coloring: Parther Complexity and Approximability Results Quantmn Algorithms h)r a Set of Group Theoretic Problems On the Computational Complexity of the L(2,1) Labeling Problem for Regular Graphs A Polymerase Based Algorithm for SAT Laxity Helps in Broadcast Scheduling Enforcing and Defying Associativity, CommutativiD; Totality, and Strong iNordivert b ty for One-Way Function8 in Complexity Theory Synthesis from Temporal Specifications Using Preferred Answer Set Programlning Model Checking Strategic Abilities of Agents Under Incomplete Information Improved Algorithms for Polynomial-Time Decay and Time Decay with Additive Error……Author Index




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