

Savaci, F. Acar 湖北辞书出版社





Savaci, F. Acar  




This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 14th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, TAINN 2005, held in   Izmir, Turkey in June 2005.  From 75 submissions, 26 revised full papers passed two rounds of reviewing and revision and were finally selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are categorized in topical sections on robotics, image processing, classification, learning theory and support vector machines, fuzzy neural networks, robotics, fuzzy logic, machine learning, engineering applications, and neural networks architecture.


A Case Study on Logging Visual Activities: Chess GameMultiple Robot Path Planning for Robot SoccerNavigation and GPS Based Path Control of an Autonomous VehicleA Generative Model for Multi Class Object Recognition and DetectionDepth of General Scenes from Defocused Images Using Multilayer Feedforward NetworksTracking Control Based on Neural Network for Robot ManipulatorPerformance Evaluation of Recurrent RBF Network in Nearest Neighbor ClassificationTracking Aircrafts by Using Impulse Exclusive Filter with RBF NeuralNetworksA Multilayer Feedforward Fuzzy Neural NetworkNeural Networks and Cascade Modeling Technique in System IdentificationComparison of Complex-VMued Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Complex-Valued Neural Network for Load-Flow AnalysisA New Formulation for Classification by EllipsoidsDSP Based DC MotorFuzzy-Neural Speed Tracking Control of BrushlessFault Diagnosis with Dynamic Fuzzy Discrete Event System ApproachA Hybrid Neuro-Fhzzy Controller for Brushless DC MotorsCan a Fuzzy Rule Look for a Needle in a Haystack?Protein Solvent Accessibility Prediction Using Support Vector Machinesand Sequence Conservations Instrument Independent Musical Genre Classification Using Random 3000 ms SegmentUnsupervised Image Segmentation Using Markov Random FieldsModeling Interestingness of Streaming Classification Rules as a Classification ProblemRefining the Progressive Multiple Sequence Alignment Score Using Genetic AlgorithmsAn Evolutionary Local Search Algorithm for the Satisfiability ProblemHIS: Hierarchical Solver for Over-Constrained Satisfaction ProblemsElevator Group Control by Using Talented Algorithm……Author Index




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