Smith, Ian F. C.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 13th Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering on Intelligent Computing in Engineering and Architecture, EG-ICE 2006, held in Ascona, Switzerland in June 2006. The 59 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions for inclusion in the book. In addition there is a summary of a panel session on the Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering. All issues of advanced informatics are covered - in terms of current aspects of engineering - including a range of techniques such as artificial intelligence, evolutionary and adaptive computing, case based reasoning, networking and computer supported co-operative working, concurrent engineering, human computer interface issues, agents, constraint based reasoning, VR, and workflow design.
Outcomes of the Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal 2006Self-aware and Learning StructureCapturing and Representing Construction Project Histories for Estimating and Defect DetectionCase Studies of Intelligent Context-Aware Services Delivery in AEC/FMBio-inspiration: Learning Creative Design PrincipiaStructural Topology Optimization of Braced Steel Frameworks Using Genetic ProgrammingOn the Adoption of Computing and IT by Industry: The Case for Integration in Early Building DesignVersioned Objects as a Basis for Engineering CooperationThe Effects of the Internet on Scientific Publishing - The Case of Construction IT ResearchAutomated On-site Retrieval of Project InformationIntelligent Computing and Sensing for Active Safety on Construction SitesGENE_ARCH: An Evolution-Based Generative Design System for Sustainable ArchitectureMission Unaccomplished: Form and Behavior but No FunctionThe Value of Visual 4D Planning in the UK Construction IndustryApproximating Phenomenological SpaceKnowPrice2: Intelligent Cost Estimation for Construction ProjectsRFID in the Built Environment: Buried Asset Locating SystemsNew Opportunities for IT Research in ConstructionInfrastructure Development in the Knowledge CityFormalizing Construction Knowledge for Concurrent Performance-Based DesignNext Generation Artificial Neural Networks and Their Application to Civil EngineeringEvolutionary Generation of Implicative Fuzzy Rules for Design Knowledge RepresentationEmerging Information and Communication Technologies and the Discioline of Project Information ManagementThe FishbowlTM: Degrees of Engagement in Global Teamwork……Author Index