ForwordAbstractAcknowledgementsList of TablesChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Chinese learners interlanguage knowledge of the English articles: A preliminary study2.1 Linguistic background2.1.1 Noun semantics2.1.2 Classifications of referential meanings of noun phrases2.2 A preliminary study2.2.1 Participants2.2.2 Materials2.2.3 Procedure2.2.4 Results2.3 The research questions of this thesisChapter 3 Literature review3.1 Typological differences and L2 article acquisition3.1.1 Zero contrast and L2 article acquisition3.1.2 The typological difference of sentence structures and L2 article acquisition3.1.3 The noun phrase typology and L2 article acquisition.3.2 Article semantics and L2 article acquisition3.2.1 Early research3.2.2 Article semantics and the Article Choice Parameter3.3 The learner factor and L2 article acquisition3.3.1 Models of adult second language learning3.3.2 The adult cognitive learning style3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Study 14.1 Predicted interlingual and intralingual interference4.2 Methods4.2.1 Participants4.2.2 Tasks and procedure4.2.3 Results and discussion4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Study 25.1 Article semantics revisited5.2 Methods5.2.1 Task and procedure5.2.2 Results and discussion5.3 SummaryChapter 6 Study 36.1 Asymmetry in L2 parameter resetting6.2 The markedness status of the configurationality and the mass-count parameters6.3 Negative evidence and frequency of occurrence6.4 Methods6.4.1 Materials6.4.2 Results6.4.3 Discussion6.5 SummaryChapter 7 General discussion and conclusion7.1 Major findings7.2 General discussion7.2.1 Input processing in L2 English article acquisition across the three studies7.2.2 The effect of typological differences7.2.3 The effect of article semantics7.2.4 The effect of the learner factor7.3 Pedagogical implications7.4 Suggestions for future researchAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix FAppendix GAppendix HAppendix IReferences