刘秋梅 编
在中国经济加速国际化的今天,对商务英语人才的需求愈来愈大。为适应这一市场需求,我们编写了本书。 本书的编写从中等职业学校学生的具体需求出发,根据“以就业为导向,以能力为本位”的指导思想,注重实用性和可操作性,旨在通过本书的学习使学生能以语言优势获得就业和升学的机会。 本书以中国进出口商品交易会为题材,以邀请外商参加交易会至交易会结束的整个过程为主线,围绕商务活动的全过程,科学地配置了题材新颖、内容充实、场景逼真的情景对话,具体内容为:筹备交易会、邀请外商参加交易会、预订房间、机场迎接、入住宾馆;进展馆参与交易会的产品介绍、观摩看样,询价、报价、价格磋商、洽谈支付方式、合同条款和签订合同;购物、出席宴请、机场送行等。每个情景均设置了两段对话,对话针对性强,内容由浅入深,这些对话主要呈现两大特色,一是主题鲜明、内容新颖、角色分明,将学习内容与实际工作、生活情节紧密结合,使学习者在学习时有身临其境之感;二是紧贴中国进出口商品交易会这一大背景,将浓郁的文化气息渗透在内,有助于学习者了解相关文化及其相关的英语表达,具有较强的针对性和实用性。此外,本书每单元都设计了形式多样的练习题及单元测验题,以帮助学生通过做练习题巩固所学的内容。 本书共分为10单元30课,建议每单元用12课时讲授。各校教师可根据实际情况灵活掌握。 本书定价为20.00元,与本书配套的《商务英语听说测试与答案》定价为19.80元,另外,本书及《商务英语听说测试与答案》各配有相关磁带,每盘磁带定价为5.00元。 本书由刘秋梅担任主编,蔡勤、黄福洪担任副主编。本书编写的具体分工是:刘秋梅编写第3单元,蔡勤编写第1单元,张莉雅编写第2、10单元,朱晓红编写第4单元,高海燕编写第8、9单元,高文龙编写第7单元,黄福洪编写第6单元,王桂洁编写第5单元。本书在编写过程中,得到了广州财政学校、广州市经贸学校、广东省工业贸易职业技术学校、广东省民政职业技术学校等单位的大力支持,得到了有关专家的指导,借鉴了相关的文献资料,在此一并致谢。
Unit 1 At the Office
Lesson 1 Making Arrangements
Lesson 2 Making Contact
Lesson 3 Making Room Resevations
Unit2 Meeting Foreign Guests
Lesson 4 At the.Airport
Lesson 5 On the Way to the Hotel (One)
Lesson 6 On the Way to the Hotel (Two)
Unit 3 Hotel Services
Lesson 7 Checking In
Lesson 8 At the Business Center
Lesson 9 Checking Out
Unit 4 At the Fair (One)
Lesson 10 Visiting a Sample Room
Lesson 11 Describing Products
Lesson 12 introducing a Company
Unit 5 At the Fair (Two)
Lesson 13 Making Inquiries
Lesson 14 Making Offers
Lesson 15 Bargaining
Unit 6 At the Fair (Three)
Lesson 16 Paying by L/C at Sight
Lesson 17 Paying by D/P
Lesson 18 Asking for Other Payment Terms
Unit 7 At the Fair (Four)
Lesson 19 Packing and Shipment
Lesson 20 Discussing the Insurance and Draft Contract
Lesson 21 Signing a Contract
Unit 8 Shopping
Lesson 22 At the Foodstuff Department
Lesson 23 At the Clothing Department
Lesson 24 At the Art Store
Unit 9 At the Restaurant
Lesson 25 Inviting the Guest
Lesson 26 At the Chinese Food Restaurant
Lesson 27 At the Western Food Restaurant
Unit 10 Parting
Lesson 28 City Tour
Lesson 29 Farewell Parties
Lesson 30 Seeing off at the Airport
(George Smith is calling to make a hotel reservation.) Receptionist: Good morning. Garden Hotel. May I help you? Mr. Smith: This is George Smith from San Francisco. Is it possible for me to book a single room for 5 nights starting from October 14 to 18? Receptionist: Let me see what we have. We can offer you rooms on the fifteenth floor. Theyre quiet rooms at the back of the building. Mr. Smith: That doesnt matter. Is there a computer in the room? Receptionist: Yes. As a matter of fact, the room is quite well-equipped. There is also a TV set, air conditioner, a computer and Internet. Mr. Smith: By the way, what services do you provide? Receptionist: We offer such services as laundry, dry-cleaning, food, translation, and ticketing. Mr. Smith: "I would also like to know what kind of recreational facilities you offer. Receptionist: We have an indoor tennis court , indoor swimming pool, bar, health center ,karaoke dance hall, and a bowling alley. Mr. Smith: How much is a single room? Receptionist: 180 dollars a night including breakfast. Mr. Smith: Im afraid its a bit too expensive. Do you have any cheaper than that?
商务英语听说-商务英语听说测试与答案(共二册) PDF格式下载