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Implementing integrated river basin management(IRBM)requires complex and system-atic efforts over long term.Although experts,scientists and officials,with backgroundsin different disciplines and working at various national or 10cal levels.are in broadagreement concerning IRBM,many constraints on its implementation remain,particu-larly in China-a country with thousands of years of water management history.nOWdeveloping at great pace and faced with a severe water crisis.Successful IRBM imple-mentation demands good coordination among various stakeholders and their active andinnovative participation.The problems confronted in the general advance of IRBM alsopose great challenges to this particular project. Certainly,the successes during implementation of the project subsequent to itslaunch on 1 1 April 2007,and the finalization of a series of research reports on TakingStock of Integrated River Basin Management in China would not have been possiblewithout the combined efforts and fruitful collaboration of all involved.We wish to ex-press our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of them.We should first thank Professor and President Chen Yiyu of the National NaturalScience Foundation of China,who gave his valuable time and shared valuable knowledgewhen chairing the work meeting that set out guidelines for research objectives,and alsoduring discussions of the main conclusions of the report.It is with his leadership andkind support that this proj ect came to a successful conclusion.We are grateful to Prof.Fu Boj ie,Dr.Feng Renguo,and Dr.Huang Tieqing of Bu-reau of Science and Technology for Resources and Environment,Chinese Academy ofSciences(CAS),whose strong support for the project aided its implementation and con-tributed to the success of the High-level Roundtable on IRBM in China organized in June 2007 in Beij ing.We particularly wish to thank Prof.Sun Honglie from CAS,Professor Wang Haoof Chinese Academy of Engineering,Dr.Edwin D.Ongley and Mr.Murray Chapman fortheir detailed comments and constructive suggestions concerning revisions to the Synthe-sis Report.We benefited greatly from their new perspectives and illuminating insights.Our sincere thanks also go to the peer reviewers from various governmental depart-ments,universities,research institutes,and NGOs:Bao Daming,He Xiwu,LU Xian-guo,Ni Jinren,Shen Daj un,Shi Qiuchi,Song Guoj un,Wang Shuyi,Wang Zhansheng,Wei Qiwei,Xia Qing,Xu Zikai and Yang Guowei,for their significant contributions when reviewing the thematic reports.They corrected errors in and improved the struc-ture,content and wording of the reports.
《中国流域综合管理现状与战略研究(英文版)》主要内容包括:Current Status of River Basin Management in China;Overview of Water-related Problems in China;Current Status of River Basin Management in China;Issues and Causal Analysis of Current Basin-wide Problems in China等。
AcronymsPreface and AcknowledgementExecutive Summary1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Goal and Scope of the Report 1.3 Methodology2 Current Status of River Basin Management in China 2.1 Overview of Water—related Problems in China 2.2 Current Status of River Basin Management in China3 Issues and Causal Analysis of Current Basin-wide Problems in China 3.1 Legislation and Its Implementation 3.2 Institutions 3.3 Policy 3.4 Planning 3.5 Public Participation 4 Progress of River Basin Management and Engineering Projects 4.1 Progress of Domestic Engineering Projects 4.2 Domestic Research Programs Related to IRBM 4.3 International Assistance Projects5 Conceptual Plan and Recommendations to Promote IRBM in China 5.1 Goals 5.2 Principles 5.3 A Vision and Framework 5.4 Priority Areas and Actions References Attached Map and Tables Attached Map Map of China’S River Basins Attached Table Ⅰ Overview of Proj ects on IRBM and Water-related Issues in Recent Years in China Attached Table Ⅱ Overview of Research Program on IRBM and Water-related Issues in China Attached Table Ⅲ Overview of International Donor-oriented Projects on IRBM in China Attached Table Ⅳ Overview of Major River Basin Plans since 1998Summaries of Thematic and Case Study Reports No.1 Water Resources Sectors No.2 Environmental Protection Sectors No.3 National Development and Reform Commission No.4 Construction Sectors No.5 Agricultural Sectors No.6 Forestry Sectors No.7 Public Health Sectors No.8 Yangtze River Basin No.9 Yellow River No.10 Huaihe River Basin No.11 Song—liao River Basin No.12 Dongting Lake River Basin No.13 International Rivers No.14 Legislation on Integrated River Basin Management No.15 River Basin Planning No.16 Economic Measures for IRBM in China No.17 Scientific and Technical Support for River Basin Management No.18 Water Resources Management No.19 Water Environmental Management No.20 Standards of Drinking Water No.21 Environmental Flows of Rivers in Northern China No.22 Stakeholders of Hydroelectric Development No.23 Protection of Hydrobios Diversity in Yangtze River Basin No.24 Transj urisdictional Coordination in River Basin Management within Yangtze River Basin Annex Annex Ⅰ The Expert Panel on Integrated River Basin Management Annex Ⅱ List of Sector-based Experts Annex Ⅲ List of Drafting Team of Synthesis Report Annex Ⅳ List of Invited Independent Reviewers and Internal Reviewers Annex Ⅴ List of Participants of High-level Roundtable on IRBM in China
Water as the source of life,is essential to the socio-economic development ot humankind.In common with much of the rest of the world,China is suffering from an mcreas-inglv severe water crisis,some of its worst manifestations being water scarcity,waterD01lution,ecological degradation of water and increasing frequency of water-related haz-ards. China's vast national territory spans a variety of climatic zones from north to south each with different moisture features,and includes diverse topography from mountalns,grasslands,and deserts to river basins and flood plains. With different combinations of climatic types including monsoon temperate,continental and maritime climates,ramtall varies greatly over time and across regions,while water and soil are disproportionately distributed.These natural factors play a part in many of the country‘S water problem。People have been managing and developing water resources for millennia across'what is today China.The country currently uses a sectoral water management modeL This lacks coordination between the various sectors at national level responsible to'wa-tc!r-related management,such as water quality,water quantity,aquatic biologlcal re-sources,water transportation,hydro-power and irrigation.This has been the case for more than five decades.Despite rapid economic development,poor public awareness about resources and environmental protection; and enormous population pressure com-bined with weakness in legislation,policy and governance have resulted in unsustainable development of water resources and deterioration in the aquatic environment·l hese are the major human factors behind the present water crisis in China·As industrialization and urbanization continue apace,the Chinese economy will con-tinue to grow rapidly and general living standards will rise.This will increase demand for water resources and place greater pressure on them,the water environment·and aauatic ecosystems. It also brings a number of new water problems,especially mixed water pollution and basin-wide water resource and hydropower exploitation.In add’一tion,in the context of global climate change,a significant change is projected in the pat-tern of water resources and water-related hazards in China,not only changes in frequen-cv and intensity,but also increased uncertainty and risk.Overall,the wat,er crisis is in-tensifying and has become more complex,being now apparent at the river-basin scale and over the 10ng-term.We also see the frequent occurrence ot emergent events.
《Taking Stock of Integrated River Basin Management in China(英文版)》是由科学出版社出版的。