

曹湘洪 科学出版社











  国内外现有的对称谓语、起始语及结束语的研究绝大多数是放在口语交际上,这种现象显然不能满足当今语言学和社会语言学研究内容和方法发展的需要。本研究借鉴多学科理论,从多维的视角,采用定量和定性相结合的办法,对259封当代汉语私人书信中的称谓语、起始语及结束语的语言形式和语用特征以及个人、社会和文化因素对其使用的影响进行了系统全面的分析。研究的目的是为人们理解中国文化背景下的汉语私人书信中这三种言语行为的形式、功能、序列结构和语言使用提供有价值的信息。  研究结果表明,汉语私人书信中的称谓语形式呈“多样化”和“复杂化”趋势。这说明较之口语中的称谓系统,文字交际中的称谓语具有更广泛的外延内容和更为深刻的内涵意义,体现出各种复杂的社会关系和汉文化传统。另外,起始语和结束语在汉语书信中具有高度规约化特征,写信人采取一系列寒暄语来实现建立和加强与收信人之间人际关系的目的。研究还发现:写信人的起始语和结束语的语言选择与他们的社会角色、年龄、性别、权势以及与收信人关系的亲疏程度有着紧密的联系。这再一次说明了汉文化中孔子伦理观对中国人言语行为的深刻影响。  基于本研究结果,我们可以得出三点启示:第一,言语行为以及相关的寒暄语及礼貌语的语用研究要突破原有的单句框架,要注重该类语言的篇章性,把动态观和序列观引入此类研究。第二,社会因素对语言使用的影响复杂而深奥,要从多维的角度来观察社会因素对语言的制约作用,包括它们自身的相互作用。第三,广博的文化背景也对交际中出现的言语行为发挥某种决定性作用。在探讨语言和社会问题时,应注重宏观把握文化限制和微观分析个人和社会因素,这样会对影响语言变异的因素做出较全面的考察。


PrefaceAcknowledgementsAbstractChapter I Introduction1.1 The nature of this study1.2 Background1.3 Research questions1.4 Research objectives1.5 Organization of this bookChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Studies of address forms, openings and closings in interaction2.2 Unresolved issues and research opportunities2.3 Concluding remarksChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Data collection3.3 Data analysis3.4 Concluding remarksChapter 4 Address Forms in Chinese Personal Letters4.1 Introduction4.2 Address forms and functions in Chinese personal letters4.3 Address forms and social variables4.4 Concluding remarksChapter 5 Openings in Chinese Personal Letters5.1 Introduction5.2 Opening strategies5.3 Opening types5,4 Openings and social variables5.5 Concluding remarksChapter 6 Closings in Chinese Personal Letters6.1 Introduction6.2 Closing strategies6.3 Closing types6.4 Combined closings and letter types6.5 Closings and social variables6.6 Concluding remarksChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Introduction7.2 Major findings of the study7.3 Significance of this study7.4 Limitations of this study7.5 Directions for future researchReferences


  Another recent examination is presented in Zhu’S(1997)study of address forms occurring in Chinese personal letters in relation to politeness phenomena.Based on the authentic data:the researcher finds that the address forms employed in letters differ across different social relationship:100%of family members address the other with the marked form(full name is taken as an unmarked form),while 86% of non-family members use such a type of addressing.The researcher also finds that among the marked forms:family members preferred to use the intimacy-oriented form(e.g.endearing term plus name),while non-family members favour the use of a more polite one(e.g. respectful term plus name).Using Gu’S(1990)model of Chinese politeness,Zhu explains that intimacy takes precedence over social rank in the address forms of family letters,but familiarity rather than social position is emphasised more among friends and lovers(1997: 19).Discovering the different orientations reflected in the address forms used by family and non·family people:Zhu also finds that the addressing structures are more complex in non-family letters than in family letters.Zhu points out that the choice of address forms is determined by the degree of intimacy:familiarity and social rank.The degree of influence of each of these factors varies with different contexts.Zhu attributes all these results to Chinese people’S manifestation of politeness under the category of "the Address Maxim,,proposed by Gu(1990)in his conceptualization of politeness in modem China.These observations provide further evidence of the effect of solidarity and status upon address practices in particular situations,and highlight a reason to investigate the address form in relation to politeness(Blum 1997;Kroger&Wood 1992).  In 1999:Zhu explored the current trends in Chinese business communication in a study which focused on examining linguistic forms of salutations and other formulaic moves:SUch as headings: greetings and expressing good wishes.





当代汉语私人书信称谓、起始及结束语社会语言学研究 PDF格式下载
