本书旨在介绍环境微生物学中重要的微生物、微生物所依赖的不同环境的特性、检测微生物及其活性的方法,还评价了微生物对人类活动的影响。三位作者是亚利桑那大学的亲密合作伙伴,在环境微生物学中的研究领域各不相同,却又相辅相成。这些涉及领域广泛的研究为本书阐明重要的知识点提供了大量例证。多位撰稿人的贡献也使此书在深度和广度上具有延续性,内容上则与当下的研究前沿基本一致。 根据国内读者的需要,导读版分为基础篇和拓展篇,所配光盘包含原著全部彩图。这本教材适用于环境微生物学专业的高年级本科生或研究生,也可以作为对这一领域感兴趣的科学家和工程师的参考书。
作者:(美国)迈尔(Raina M.Maier) (美国)Ian L.Pepper (美国)Charles P.Gerba 合著者:刘和 陈坚
前言致谢作者撰稿作者基础篇 第一部分 微生物的基本概念 第1章 环境微生物学绪论 1.1 引言 1.2 历史回顾 1.3 现代环境微生物学 1.4 本书的用途和结构 第2章 微生物类群 2.1 生物分类 2.2 真细菌 2.2.1 细胞膜 2.2.2 细胞质 2.2.3 多糖包被 2.2.4 细胞的附加物 2.2.5 内生孢子 2.2.6 信息传递 2.2.7 新陈代谢 2.3 古细菌 2.3.1 古细菌的生境 2.3.2 古细菌的功能 2.4 真菌 2.4.1 真菌结构 2.4.2 真菌的多样性 2.4.3 生态学重要性 2.5 黏液菌类 2.6 原生动物 2.6.1 原生动物的结构和功能 2.6.2 生理学和生态学上的重要性 2.7 藻类 2.7.1 藻类细胞的结构 2.7.2 生理学和生态学上的重要性 2.8 病毒 2.8.1 病毒的传染特性 2.8.2 原核病毒 2.8.3 真核病毒 2.9 其他生物实体 2.9.1 类病毒 2.9.2 朊病毒 参考文献 第3章 细菌的生长 3.1 细菌在烧瓶纯培养条件下的生长 3.1.1 延迟期 3.1.2 指数期 3.1.3 稳定期 3.1.4 衰亡期 3.1.5 底物浓度对生长的影响 3.2 连续培养 3.3 在环境中的生长 3.3.1 延迟期 3.3.2 指数期 3.3.3 稳定期和衰亡期 3.4 生长质量平衡 3.4.1 好氧条件 3.4.2 厌氧条件 思考题 参考文献与扩展阅读 第二部分 微生物的生长环境 第三部分 检测、计数和鉴定拓展篇 第四部分 微生物的信息传递,活动,以及与环境和营养循环的相互作用 第五部分 有机污染物与金属污染物的治理 第六部分 水源性和食源性病原菌 第七部分 废水处理与消毒 第八部分 城市微生物索引
插图:1.3 MODERN ENVIRONMENTALMICROBIOLOGYIn modern environmental microbiology, pathogens and bioremediation remain fundamental to the field, but in both cases these subject areas have been greatly enhanced through the application of molecular genetics and biotechnology tools. For example, development and assessment of new methods of detection and elimination of pathogens in our water and food supply, as well as the indoor environment we live in today, have become critical to public health with the global growth in population. Arguably, human and environmental hygiene efforts have had the greatest impact on reducing human suffering throughout the past century.This is also true today as we see the evolution of new and more virulent forms of environmentally transmitted pathogens. This has been highlighted by concerns about the spread of SARS and the potential for the rapid spread of avian bird flu. Vaccine development is often not rapid enough to guarantee protection and so the environmental microbiologist must be prepared to develop better methods to reduce or stop the spread of these agents throughout the environment. Continuing outbreaks of norovirus diarrhea on cruise ships has demonstrated how difficult an environ-mentally spread agent can be to control. New strategies are needed, such as the development of self-disinfecting surfaces, environmentally friendly disinfectants, more rapid methods of detecting indicators and pathogens in our environment. In addition, application of risk assessment to target the need for control where it is most effective and better products for the consumer are reducing the risk associated with environmentally transmitted infections.The beginning of this century brought a new task for environmental microbiologists in the area of pathogen detection. The impact of just a few letters contaminated with anthrax spores demonstrated how rapidly a terrorist could disseminate a highly virulent pathogen across an entire region of a nation. It also demonstrated how little we know about the transport, survival, and methods of decontamination of lethal agents that could be used by bioterrorists. National security now depends on the development of methods for detection of select agents in the environment and models to assess their fate and control.New challenges have similarly emerged in the area of bioremediation. New chemicals have been detected in ground and surface waters that serve as our potable water resources. In addition, our ability to detect chemicals has gotten better and more comprehensive. For these reasons we have discovered contamination in previously "clean" sources of water. Further, as society grows, we put increasing stress on water resources. In many parts of the United States, for example, groundwater is currently being used at a faster rate than it is being recharged. Add to this increasing wasted is charges containing biological and chemical contamination that enter our water resources, and it becomes clear that environmental microbiologists face large challenges in this arena. These issues also arise in contaminated soil environments. As the global population increases, land resources are becoming more valuable and communities are encroaching on contaminated sites, including landfills,mine railings sites, and agricultural fields with years of pesticide applications. New strategies are needed in this area to treat sites that contain emerging contaminants, contaminant mixtures, and low levels of contaminants. Applications of risk assessment to target the need for control where it is most effective, and for community education to reduce risks associated with living next to contaminated sites, are also becoming more important. A third important area of environmental microbiology has emerged over the past decade, that of mole culaecology. Molecular ecology as it relates to environment almicrobiology can be defined as investigating diversity in he environment, and mining and exploiting that diversity for new natural products and activities. Molecular-based methodologies are now enabling us to detect, define, and better understand the ecology not only of natural habitats such as soil and water, but also of anthropologic environments such as households, fomites, or municipal wastes.Powerful molecular-based tools are becoming available to allow the examination of microbial communities through analys is of microbial DNA and RNA (PCR, gene probes,DNA sequencing, meta genomics) as well as proteins(proteomics). Such techniques now allow us to search for new microbes in extreme environments such as hot springs,caves, deep-sea thermal vents, and deep subsurface environments. Molecular sequence analysis of community DNA permits a new appreciation of microbial diversity, and also of how microbial communities function and communicate via quorum sensing. This new evaluation of the microbial environment is also affording innovative approaches to the discovery of high value "green" products that can be use din medicine, agriculture, and industry. Examples include new antibiotics and other natural products, plant-growth-promoting bacteria to enhance growth of crops, and new chemicals that can be used as detergents, solvents, surfactants, pesticides, and in food processing.
《环境微生物学:基础篇(导读版)(原著第2版)》的前言和目录均已译成中文,正文部分保留英文原版。另附江南大学陈坚教授、刘和博士所作的中文导读一篇。章节目录:第一部分 微生物的基本概念第1章 环境微生物学绪论第2章 微生物类群第3章 细菌的生长第二部分 微生物的生长环境第4章 陆地环境第5章 大气微生物学第6章 水环境第7章 极端环境第三部分 检测、计数和鉴定第8章 样品的采集与处理第9章 显微技术第10章 培养方法第11章 生理学方法第12章 免疫学方法第13章 建立在核酸基础上的分析方法……