Tianran Wang 等著
As one of the eighteen field-specific reports comprising the comprehensive scope of the strategic general report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this sub-report addresses long-range planning for developing science and technology in the field of advanced manufacturing technology. They each craft a roadmap for their sphere of development to 2050. In their entirety, the general and sub-group reports analyze the evolution and laws governing the development of science and technology, describe the decisive impact of science and technology on the modernization process, predict that the world is on the eve of an impending S&T revolution, and call for China to be fully prepared for this new round of S&T advancement. Based on the detailed study of the demands on S&T innovation in Chinas modernization, the reports draw a framework for eight basic and strategic systems of socio-economic development with the support of science and technology, work out Chinas S&T roadmaps for the relevant eight basic and strategic systems in line with Chinas reality, further detail S&T initiatives of strategic importance to Chinas modernization, and provide S&T decision-makers with comprehensive consultations for the development of S&T innovation consistent with Chinas reality. Supported by illustrations and tables of data, the reports provide researchers, government officials and entrepreneurs with guidance concerning research directions, the planning process, and investment.Founded in 1949, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the nation's highest academic institution in natural sciences. Its major responsibilities are to conduct research in basic and technological sciences, to undertake nationwide integrated surveys on natural resources and ecological environment, to provide the country with scientific data and consultations for government's decision-making, to undertake governmentassigned projects with regard to key S&T problems in the process of socio-economic development, to initiate personnel training, and to promote China's high-tech enterprises through its active engagement in these areas.
AbstractIntroductionPart 1 Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Based on Ubiquitous Information1 Overview2 The Features of Information Manufacturing Systems Based on Ubiquitous Perception3 Key Technologies3.1 Ubiquitous Sensing Networks3.2 Ubiquitous Manufacturing Information Process3.3 Virtual Reality3.4 Human-machine Interaction3.5 Distributed Spatial Collaboration3.6 Parallel Management Technology3.7 E-Business3.8 System Integrated ManufacturingReferencesPart 2 Environment Friendly Green Manufacturing1 Overview2 Field Features2.1 Green-based Upgrading Demands of the Domestic Manufacturing Industry2.2 Development Trends of Green Manufacturing Technology2.3 Scientific Connotation and Methods of Green Manufacturing3 Development Objectives and Key Technologies of GreenManufacturing Innovation System3.1 Development Objectives and Strategic Frameworks of Domestic Green Manufacturing Innovation System3.2 Green Process Engineering of Mineral Resource Utilization3.3 Process Greening and Intensification of Oil and Gas Processing3.4 Secondary Recycling Utilization and Core Technology3.5 Advanced Process Simulation, Integration, and Optimization Technology3.6 Biomass Processing and Bio-engineering Technology3.7 Utilization Technology of Low Carbon Resources and CO2 Reclamation3.8 Green Manufacturing Technology of Discrete Manufacturing Industry
Automation of information processing and application has a great effecton promoting the development of national economy, greatly accelerates the process of industrialization, remarkably improves material living standard of people, and changes the production and operation management modeof enterprises from the past extensive management gradually to the precisemanagement. The networking of information applications, on one hand significantly improved people's production and living standards, on the other hand has profound impact on people's production and lifestyle. With the application of e-commerce, enterprise resource planning, supply chainmanagement, product lifecycle management, etc., the management and operation mode of enterprises have been profoundly changed, the advancedmanufacturing models such as agile manufacturing, concurrent engineering,mass customization, network collaborative design and manufacturing, as wellas advanced management models such as business process reengineering, flatorganizational structure, learning-oriented enterprises have emerged.