科恩(Ralph L.Cohen)^Kathryn Hess^Alexander A.Voronov
This book explores string topology,
Hochschild and cyclic homology, assembling material from a wide
scattering of scholarly sources in a single practical volume. The
first part offers a thorough and elegant exposition of various
approaches to string topology and the ChasSullivan loop product.
The second gives a complete and clear construction of an algebraic
model for computing topological cyclic homology.
作者:(美国)科恩(Ralph L.Cohen) (美国)Kathryn Hess (美国)Alexander A.Voronov
i notes on string topology
ralph l. cohen and alexander a. voronov
1 intersection theory in loop spaces
1.1 intersections in compact manifolds
1.2 the chas-sullivan loop product
1.3 the bv structure and the string
1.4 a stable homotopy point of view
1.5 relation to hochschild cohomology
2 the cacti operad
2.1 props and operads
2.1.1 prop's
2.1.2 algebras over a prop
2.1.3 operads
2.1.4 algebras over an operad
2.1.5 operads via generators and relations
2.2 the cacti operad
2.3 the cacti action on the loop space
.2.3.1 action via
2.3.2 the bv structure
3 string topology as field theory
3.1 field theories
3.1.1 topological field
3.1.2 (topological) conformal field
3.1.3 examples
3.1.4 motivic tcfts
3.2 generalized string topology operations
3.3 open-closed string topology
4 a morse theoretic viewpoint
4.1 cylindrical gradient graph flows
4.2 cylindrical holomorphic curves in t*m
5 brahe topology
5.1 the higher-dimensional cacti operad
5.2 the cacti action on the sphere space
5.3 the algebraic structure on homology
5.4 sphere spaces and hochschild homology
ii an algebraic model for mod 2 topological cyclic homology
kathryn hess
1 preliminaries
1.1 elementary definitions, terminology and
1.2 the canonical, enriched adams-hilton
1.2.1 twisting cochains
1.2.2 strongly homotopy coalgebra
and comodule maps
1.2.3 the canonical adams-hilton
1.3 noncommutative algebraic models of fiber
2 free loop spaces
2.1 a simplicial model for the free loop
2.1.1 the general model
2.1.2 choosing the free loop model
2.2 the multiplicative free loop space
2.2.1 the diagonal map
2.2.2 the path fibration
2.2.3 the free loop space
2.3 the free loop model for topological
2.4 linearization of the free loop model
3 homotopy orbit spaces
3.1 a special family of primitives
3.2 a useful resolution of cu, es1
3.3 modeling s1-homotopy orbits
3.4 the case of the free loop space
4 a model for mod 2 topological cyclic homology
4.1 the pth-power map
4.2 topological cyclic homology
版权页:插图:Thebiholomorphic maps are part of the data, which in particular means that choosinga different biholomorphic map for the same hole is likely to change the point inthe moduli space. The more precise nonoverlapping condition is that the closeddisks in the inputs do not intersect pairwise and the closed disks in the outputs donot intersect pairwise, however, an input and an output disk may have commonboundary, but are still not allowed to intersect at an interior point. This techni-cality brings in the identity morphisms to the PROP, but does not create singularRiemann surfaces by composition. The composition of morphisms in this PROPis given by sewing the Riemann surfaces along the boundaries, using the equationzw = 1 in the holomorphic parameters coming from the standard one on the unitdisk. The tensor product of morphisms is the disjoint union. This PROP plays acrucial role in Conformal Field Theory, as we will see now.
早都复印了一本看. 不过有也比没有好. 本书是分两部分的专著,不厚,但读起来慢.