Haidou Wang,Binshi Xu,Jiajun Liu 著
Haidou Wang和Binshi
Chapter 1 Solid Lubrication Materials
1.1 Overview of Solid Lubrication
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Adhesive Wear and Scuffing of Metals and Methods of
1.1:3 Solid Lubrication
1.2 SoftMetal
1.2.1 Crystal Structure
1.2.2 Physical and Chemical Properties
1.2.3 Lubrication Mechanism
1.3 Metal Compounds
1.3.1 FeS
1.3.2 MoS2
1.3.3 WS2
1.3.4 ZnS
1.4 Inorganic Solid Lubricant
1.4.1 Graphite
1.4.2 BN
1.5 Organic Solid Lubricant
1.5.1 Polytetrafluoroethylene
1.5.2 Polythene
1.5.3 Nylon
1.5.4 Polyformaldehyde
1.5.5 Phenol Formaldehyde Resin
1.5.6 Epoxide Resin
1.6 Conclusion
Chapter 2 Solid Lubrication FeS Film Prepared by Ion
2.1 The Microstructure of Solid Fes
2.1.1 Surface Morphologies of Solid Fes
2.1.2 Phase Structures of Solid Fes
2.1.3 TEM Morphologies of Solid Fes
2.1.4 Analysis of Electron Diffraction
2.2 The Formation of Iron Sulfuration Layer
2.2.2 Surface Morphologies of Sulfuration Layers
2.2.3 Composition on the Sulfurized Steel Surface
2.2.4 Phase Structure of Sulfide Layer at Different Sulfurizing
2.2.5 Formation Mechanism of Sulfurized Layer
2.3 Characterization of Ion Sulfurized Layer
2.3.1 Characterization of Sulfurized Layer on 1045 and 52100
2.3.2 Characterization of Sulfurized Layer on Four Kinds of
2.4 Tribological Properties of Sulfurized Layers
2.4.1 Tribological Properties of Sulfurized Layers on 1045 and
52100 Steels
2.4.2 Tribological Properties of Sulfide Layer on Four Kinds of
2.5 Influencing Factors of the Microstructures and Tribological
Properties on
2.5.1 Effect of the Substrate State on the Sulfide Layer on 1045
2.5.2 Effect of Environment Temperature on the Sulfurized Layer
2.5.3 Effect of Wear Conditions on the Tribological Behaviors of
Chapter 3 Fes Solid Lubrication Film Prepared by a Two-step
3.1 Radio-frequency (RF) Sputtering + Sulfurizing Combined
3.2 Shot-peening + Ion Sulfuration Combined Treatment
3.2.3 Tribological Properties of Sulfide Layer
3.3 Nitriding + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment
3.3.1 1045 Steel Nitriding + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment
3.3.2 Gray Cast-iron NiLriding + Sulfurizing Combined
3.4 Nitrocarburizing + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment
3.5 Thermal Spraying 3Cr13 Steel Coating + Sulfurizing
3.5.2 High-velocity Arc Spraying
Chapter 4 Fes Solid Lubrication Layer Prepared by Other
Chapter 5 Micron-nano Mos2 Solid Lubrication Film
Chapter 6 Micron-nano WS2 Solid Lubrication Film
ChaDter 7 Micron-nano ZnS Solid Lubrication Film
When two surfaces come into contact, load is actually bom by many asper:ities; thereal contact area of rough surfaces is usually far less than the nominal contact area.Therefore, the local high stress is easily generated at the asperity peaks. When thesurfaces are sliding with each other, the local melting caused by friction heat willleadto the adhering or welding between asperities, which can induce the macro adhesionand scuffing, or even seizure of ffiction surfaces. Adhesive wear is a common wearmode of the friction-pair in machinery equipment. Due to high surface energy andlarge chemical activity, clean metal surfaces are prone to adhesion, thus the frictioncoefficient is large, and the wear is severe. Under oillubrication condition, adhesioncan occur if the oil film is damaged; otherwise, the friction coefficient and wear canmaintain a relatively low level. According to the degree of adhesion, adhesive wearcan be divided into four categories. When soft metal material transfers to hard metalsurface, and the transfer film is very thin, it is known as smearing. When shearingoccurs within the subsurface layer of soft metal, and hard surface is also scratched,itis known as scratching. When shearing occurs in the deep layer of substrate metal,it is known as scuffing. Cold welding caused by plastic deformation and molecularabsorption is known as the first type of scuffing, while hot welding caused by the riseof surface temperature is known as the second type of scuffing. When external forcecan not overcome the bonding strength of interface, the relative movement is forcedto be stopped, which is known as seizure. ……