(美)托茨 等著
作者:(美国)托茨(Ronald J.Tocci) (美国)Neal S.Widmer (美国)Gregory L.Moss
CHAPTER 1 Introductory Concepts
Introduction to Digital ls and Os
Numerical Representations
Digital and Analog Systems
Digital Number Systems
Representing Binary Quantities
Digital Circuits/Logic Circuits
Parallel and Serial Transmission
Digital Computers
CHAPTER 2 Number Systems and Codes
CHAPTER 3 Describing Logic Circuits
CHAPTER 4 Combinational Logic Circuits
CHAPTER 5 Flip-FlOps and Related Devices
CHAPTER 6 Digital Arithmetic:Operations andCircuits
CHAPTER 7 Counters and Registers
CHAPTER 8 Integrated—Circuit Logic Families
CHAPTER 9 MSILogic Circuits
CHAPTER 11 Interfacing with the Analog World
CHAPTER 12 Memory Devices
CHAPTER 13 Programmable Logic Device Architectures
Answers to Selected Problems
版权页:插图:What did the information look like? Figure 1-2 shows a graph ofthe voltage pulses on the telegraph wire as the telegrapher presses and releases the code key (current flow through the wire could have been graphed as well and would be of the same waveshape as voltage).Notice the nature of the pulses. The electric signal is either on or off at all times. This relates to modern digital systems that use electrical signals to represent 1s and Os.The information is encoded in the width (length of time) of each pulse and the se- quence of pulses. Pulse waveforms like this are used extensively to describe the activity in digital systems. Since the x axis is time, these graphs are re- ferred to as timing diagrams. A timing diagram shows which state (1 or 0)thesystem is in at any point in time, and it also shows the exact time when a change in state occurs.