1. What is traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)?
2. What are the main features of TCM?
3. What does the holistic concept and determining treatment
according to "diffe- rentiation of syndromes" mean?
4. What are the advancements of TCM in theory and practice?
5. What books symbolized the formation of the TCM theory?
6. What are the health conceptions in TCM?
7. How do TCM understand the human body?
8. What is Zang Xiang theory?
9. What are the main physiological functions of Zang-fu
10. What are the physiological functions of the six fu
11. What are the extraordinary Fu organs? What are their
12. What is the meridian and collateral (Jing Luo) .9
13. What are the twelve meridians? What are the characteristics of
their distributions?
14. What is the concept of Yin-Yang? How to explain the
physiological functions of the human body with the theory of
15. What are the five elements? How to explain the physiological
functions of the human body using the theory of five
16. How does Chinese medicine recognize disease?
17. How does Chinese medicine understand the cause of
18. What are the six exogenous pathogenic factors?
19. What are the properties, characteristiis and pathogenesis of
wind, cold, summer-heat, damp, dryness and fire?
20. What are the five endogenous pathogens?
21. What are the seven emotional factors?
22. What are the characteristics and pathogenesis of emotional
23. What are the pathogenic characteristics of dietary
24. How to understand overstrain and excess rest?
25. What is the pathogeneses of the dysfunction of Qi ,blood and
body fluid?
26. What is the pathogenesis of the dysfunction of Qi ,blood and
body fluid?
27. How to understand "homogeny of fluid and blood"? :
28. How to understand the idea of "while Zheng Qi remains in the
body,the path- ogenic factors cannot disturb its functions"?
29. What are the characteristics of pathogenesis by the imbalance
of Yin and Yang?
30. What are the characteristics of pathogenesis and their
31. What is the saying of"liver and kidney share the common
32. How to understand the concept that" all the diseases result
from Qi"?
33. How traditional Chinese medicine diagnoses diseases? What are
the charact- eristics?
34. What precautions should be taken when consulting the diagnosis
of traditional Chinese medicine?
35. What is it meant by the observation, auscultation and
olfaction,inquiry, and palpitation and percussion? What is the
characteristic of the diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese
36. What are the major contents of the general observation
diagnosis? What is the clinical significance?
37. What are the contents of the local inspection?
38. How to understand the health condition by people themselves
through tongue inspection?
39. What are the contents and significance of tongue
40. How to inspect the tongue proper and tongue coating? What is
the significance
41. What are the main contents and the significance of auscultation
and olfaction?
42. How to understand the health state by listening?
43. What is the significance of smelling?
44. What is the significance of the different peculiar smells in
45. Why do people feel cold? How to treat it?
46. What are the features and clinical significance of pain?
47. How to understand headache in term of the locati0n,property and
significance? How to treat it?
48. What are the properties and significance of lumbago? How to
treat it?
49. What are the properties and significance of limb pain? How to
treat it?
50. How does Chinese medicine understand perspiration? What is the
significance of sweating?
51. What is the clinical significance of thirst?
52. How to understand the health through the changes in
53. What is the significance of understanding the changes in
54. What is the significance of understanding changes in bowel
55. How does tinnitus happen? How to treat it?
56. What is the characteristic and clinical significance of
57. How to understand sleep in Chinese medicine? What is the
meaning of abnormal sleep?
58. Is somnolence a disease? How to treat it?
59. What is insomnia and how is it treated?
60. What are the regions of pulse diagnosis?
61. What are the relations between the sub-regions of Cunkou pulse
and Zang-fu organs?
62. What are the normal pulse conditions?
63. What are the classifications and characteristics of
pathological pulses?
64. What are the methods of pattern differentiation used in
65. How does TCM understand symptom,pattern and disease?
66. What are the treatment methods in TCM?
67. What s body constitution and how is it classified?
68. What are the difference between the body constitution and
69. What are the Chinese material medica and its characteristics to
treat diseases?
70. What are the main principles for composing herbal
71. What is important in decocting the medicinals?
72. What are the common preparation forms of Chinese medicines and
the properties?
73. What are Chinese patent medicines and the precautions?
74. How to regulate Zang-fu functions with common Chinese patent
75. What are the differences between food therapy and medicated
diet? What are the principles in application?
76. What are the common Chinese medicines of either food actions or
medicinal effects? What are the functions effects of Chinese food
therapy and medicated diet?
77. What are the functions of common food?
78. What are the precautions in food regulation?
79. What is sub-health? How can Chinese medieine treat
80. What are the advantages of Chinese medicine in the treatment of
81. What is an acupoint? What are the common acupoints for
82. Why is massage beneficial to health?
83. What are the most frequently-used massage manipulations?
84. What points to massage for improving sleeping quality?
85. How to do cupping? What are the indications?
86. What's the function of children's chiropractic?
87. What is life cultivation(Yangsheng) ? What are its
88. Being free from avarice and wild fancy will keep the genuine Qi
in smooth
89. The connotation of moral cultivation
90. How to cultivate life seasonally?
91. How to adjust the way of health preservation in different
seasons and different time?
92. What is the relationship between time and
93. How to do health preservation in accordance with geographical
94. How to do health preservation in accordance with individual
95. What is preventive treatment of disease? What are the
advantages of preventive treatment of disease?
96. What does it mean to treat wintertime diseases in the summer?
What are the indications?
97. What is the reason for nourish Yang in spring and summer and
Yin in autumn and winter?
98. How to classify and treat cough by yourself?
99. How to apply soft extract in life cultivation and
100. How to build up a customized TCM life cultivation mode?
《中医学导论(英文版)》内容丰富、通俗易懂、方便实用,书中以百题问答的形式,内容涉及中医学的阴阳五行、脏腑经络、病因病机、诊法辨证、中药剂型、方剂配伍等,深入浅出地介绍了中医基础理论、诊断、治疗、养生等方面的知识。 《中医学导论(英文版)》可作为国内外中医初学者的入门读物。