《电磁场与电磁波(第2版)(英文版)》中文版是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,也是北京邮电大学通信工程国家级特色专业建设点主干教材。全书共11章,主要讲述电磁场与电磁波的基本理论和计算方法。本书在叙述上由浅入深、循序渐进,强调数学与物理概念的结合,思路清晰,易于学习。对一些重要内容和例题采用了不同的分析方法,强调分析方法的多样性,拓展思考空间,扩大适应面。书中配有近百道例题,以帮助学生分析问题,引导学生自学。 《电磁场与电磁波(第2版)(英文版)》可作为高等院校电子信息、通信工程、微波工程及相关专业本科生的教材,也可供相关教学和工程技术人员参考。
Preface to the Second EditionPreface to the First EditionMain Character, Parameters and The Expressions of Gradient, Divergence,RotationChapter 1 Vector Analysis1.1 Scalar and Vector Fields1.2 Operation of Vector1.3 Flux and Divergence of Vector1.4 Gauss's Theorem1.5 Vector Circulation and Rotation1.6 Stockes' Theorem1.7 Gradient of a Scalar Field1.8 The Helmholtz TheoremExercisesChapter 2 Electrostatic Fields2.1 Electrostatic Field's Divergence Equation and Rotation Equation2.2 Electric Potential and Electric Potential Gradient2.3 Laplace's equation and Poisson's equation2.4 Electric Dipole2.5 Conductors in the Electrostatic Field2.6 Dielectrics in the Electrostatic Field2.7 The Boundary Conditions of the Electrostatic Field2.8 Capacitance of Conductor System2.9 Energy of Electrostatic Field and Electrostatic Force2.10 5 Function and Its Related PropertiesExercisesChapter 3 Constant Magnetic Field3.1 The Curl Equation and Divergence Equation of Constant Magnetic Field3.2 Magnetic Vector Potential A and Scalar Magnetic Potential em3.3 Magnetic Dipole3.4 Medium in Constant Magnetic Field3.5 Boundary Condition of Constant Magnetic Field3.6 Self Inductance and Mutual Inductance3.7 Magnetic Energy and Magnetic ForceExercisesChapter 4 Steady Electric Field4.1 Current Density4.2 Current Continuity Equation4.3 Steady Electric Fields are Irrotational Fields4.4 Loss of Energy in A Conducting Medium4.5 Boundary Condition of the Steady Electric Field4.6 Analogy of the Steady Electric Field and the Electrostatic Field4.7 Capacitor Considering the Loss of MediumExercisesChapter 5 Solutions of Electrostatic Field Boundary Value Problem5.1 Electrostatic Field Boundary Value Problems5.2 Uniqueness Theorem5.3 Solving the One-Dimension Field by Integral5.4 Using Separation of Variables to Solve Two-Dimension and Three-DimensionLaplace's Equation5.5 Image Method5.6 Conformal Transformation, or Called Conformal Mapping5.7 Finite-Difference Method--Numerical Computation Methods5.8 Green's Function and Green's First, Second IdentitiesExercisesChapter 6 Alternating Electromagnetic Fields6.1 Maxwell's Equations6.2 Law of Induction and Maxwell's Second Equation6.3 Ampere's Circuital Law and Maxwell's First Equation6.4 Gauss's Law and Maxwell's Third Equation6.5 Maxwell's Fourth Equation6.6 Maxwell's Equations and Auxiliary Equations6.7 Complex Format of Maxwell's Equations6.8 Boundary Conditions for Alternating Fields6.9 Poynting's Theorem and Poynting Vector6.10 Potentials and Fields for Alternating Fields6.11 On Lorentz GaugeExercisesChapter 7 Propagation of Plane Wave in Infinite Medium7.1 Wave Equations and Solutions7.2 Plane Wave in Perfect Dielectric7.3 Polarization of Electromagnetic Wave7.4 Plane Wave in A Conducting Medium7.5 Loss Tangent tan 5 and Medium Category7.6 Plane Wave in A Good Dielectric7.7 Plane Wave in A Good Conductor7.8 Skin Effect7.9 Surface Impedance Zs of A Good Conductor7.10 Power Loss in A Conducting Medium7.11 Dispersive Medium, Dispersive Distortion and Normal Dispersion, AnomalousDispersion7.12 Electromagnetic Waves in Ferrite MediumExercisesChapter 8 Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves8.1 Plane Wave Normally Incident on the Surface of Perfect Conductor8.2 Plane Wave Normally Incident on the Interface between Perfect Dielectrics8.3 Plane Waves Obliquely Incident upon the Surface of Perfect Conductor8.4 Plane Wave Obliquely Incident upon the Interface between PerfectDielectrics8.5 Reflection and Refraction of Waves on the Interface between ConductiveMedia8.6 Plane Waves Normally Incident upon the Interfaces among Multi-layeredMedia8.7 On the Multiformity of the Definitions of Fresnel Equations (R, T)ExercisesChapter 9 Two-Conductor Transmission Lines--TransverseElectromagnetic Wave Guiding System9.1 Introduction9.2 Properties of Wave Equations for TEM Waves9.3 Parallel-Plate Transmission System9.4 Two-Wire Transmission Lines9.5 Coaxial Cable9.6 Quasi-TEM Waves in Lossy Transmission LinesExercisesChapter 10 TE and TM Modes Transmission System--Waveguide10.1 Rectangular Waveguide10.2 Circular Waveguide10.3 Higher Modes in Coaxial LineExercisesChapter 11 Electromagnetic Radiation11.1 Lag Potential of Alternating Field11.2 Electric Dipole11.3 The Magnetic Dipole11.4 Dipole Antenna and the Concept of Antenna Array11.5 Duality TheoryExercisesReferencesAppendix Common FormulaAnswer