

教育部《实用英语》教材编写组 编 高等教育出版社





教育部《实用英语》教材编写组 编  




  《实用英语综合训练与自测》第三册是《实用英语》第三册的同步自学练习用书。本书依据《普通高等专科英语课程教学基本要求》编写,紧扣《实用英语》第三册各单元的教学内容,力求扩展和巩固教材所涉及的读、写、译、听、说等语言技能和词汇、语法等语言知识。  本书共由10个自学练习单元和3个自测练习单元组成。自学练习各单元由读写译,听与说,词汇与结构和自测四部分构成。自测练习各单元有听力、词汇与结构、阅读、翻译、写作5大类题目。  本书篇章选材新颖,题材广泛,内容丰富,风格各异,短小精悍,难度适中,集趣味性、知识性、实用性于一体。学生在提高语言能力的同时,还能了解英语语言国家的经济文化及社会风俗等多方面的知识,有助于提高学生的文化素养。  全书练习突出语言技能和语言知识的综合训练,强调在阅读训练的基础上展开写和译技能的训练;强调在听力训练的基础上进行口头表达的训练。听写、词汇等练习与教材密切配合,以期达到复习巩固教材学习内容的目的。每单元的结构练习突出一个语法项目,注意归纳、拓展和加深教材所展现的语言知识。  练习形式丰富,学学、练练、测测结合,生动活泼,能激发学生课外自学英语的积极性。  本书除可用作《实用英语》第三册的课外练习外,也可作为大学英语二年级的辅助教材和具有大学二年级相应水平的英语爱好者的自学教材。  《实用英语综合训练与自测》总主编为孔庆炎教授。  《实用英语综合训练与自测》第三册的主编为南京动力高等专科学校刘锋、南京电力高等专科学校黄硕,编者为(以姓氏笔划为序):王晓燕、刘锋(Unit 1、Units 3-5的阅读、写作、翻译,Tests 1-3的听力、阅读,Test 1的写作)、张京(Unit 1、Units 3-5的听说部分)、张宜林(Unit 1、Units 3-5的词汇结构部分)、姚军(Unit 2、Unit 6)和黄硕(Units 7-10、Tests 1-3的词汇结构、翻译和Tests 2-3的写作部分)。  本书承蒙普通高等专科英语课程教学指导委员会顾问、普通高等专科英语课程教学质量检测工作研究组组长、上海交通大学外语学院刘鸿章教授审阅,在此我们深表感谢。


  《教育部高职高专规划教材:实用英语综合训练与自测3(第2版)》是教育部推荐的专科层次英语教材——《实用英语》第三册(第二版)的配套训练与自测用书。全书共有10个单元和3套模拟试题。每单元包括读译写技能训练、听说技能训练、词汇结构训练三部分;模拟试题包括1~5单元和6~10单元模拟试题各一套,以及1~10单元模拟试题一套。技能训练和词汇结构紧密结合《实用英语》,辅助学生学好课本。模拟试题参照教育部高等专科英语试题库的题型进行设计,便于学生自我检测学习的成果。  书后附有练习答案和模拟试题的答案,并附有听力部分的录音材料。《教育部高职高专规划教材:实用英语综合训练与自测3(第2版)》还配有录音磁带。


Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Test 1 (Unit 1——Unit 5)Test 2 (Unit 6—— Unit 10)Test 3 (Unit 1——Unit 10)Key to ExercisesKey to Tests


  2. Reading comprehension  The following passage is for you to test how well you read. Now read it carefully and get ready to do theexercises after it.  Within the next decade computer-controlled homes will be commonplace, allowing the average personto shop, bank and possibly even bet from the comfort of an armchair.  The boom (迅速发展) in home automation is expected to be worth US$12 000 million a year in thedeveloped world.  Details are outlined by Mackintosh International, the Luton-based consultancy(咨询公司), which hascompleted a five-nation study.  Advanced communications, information services and entertainment electronics make up the bulk(主体,绝大部分) of the equipment and services which will be in the automatic home of tomorrow. The UnitedStates, Japan, Germany, France and Britain are expected to buy US$7 000 million worth of homeautomation equipment by the end of the decade. Five years later that figure is expected to almost double.  The home computer will play a vital part in the household of tomorrow. Through it will be channeledinformation allowing consumers to monitor and control almost every device in the home.  These units will be connected to a cable or small wire network(网络) installed in the home. Linked tothe network will be a facsimile machine(传真机) for receiving electronic mail, a telephone with an answer-phone, a video-phone (callers can see as well as hear each other) and meters monitoring the homesconsumption(消耗) of energy.  The computer will also offer to many commuters(乘公交车上下班者) the prospect of working fromhome.  Work and home shopping and banking rely on homes being connected to sources of information.According to the Mackintosh survey, more than 600 000 Americans subscribe to an information service.That figure is expected to rise to 10 million within the next 10 years and to be emulated(赶超,模仿) by theother developed nations.  Cable television is also expected to grow rapidly. That growth, matched by video recording, means thatthe automated home will become the prime location for family entertainment.  One of the first electronic shopping and banking networks has been set up in Milton Keynes,Buckinghamshire. The Midland Bank has linked 30 retailers(零售商) to a computer control Center byusing electronic terminals(终端), which allow shoppers to buy goods without using money.




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