

李国芳 编 高等教育出版社





李国芳 编  




  听力在英语学习诸技能中的重要性不言而喻,尤其对培养高年级学生的英语语言综合运用能力,提高交际能力,充实学生的社会文化知识,发展学生的逻辑思维和创新能力起着至关重要的作用。  本套教材主要供高等师范院校本科(专科起点)英语专业听力教学使用。根据学生已具备了听力理解的基础技能,本书着重培养学生在听力过程中的思考能力和记忆能力。思考能力包括推断、猜测、联想、总结和概括等;记忆能力包括回忆听力材料的中心思想、主要论点和重要细节。本教材共分上、下两册。在完成上册学习的基础上,下册采用了语速较快的美国之音英语新闻节目(News Programs inStand English of the Voice ofAmerica)中的新闻报道为教材主要内容,其中包括社会、文化、科技、教育、环保、医学等题材。全书具有内容广泛、知识丰富、词汇量大和实用性强等特色,能有效地提高学生的英语听力和交际能力。


  全书共由18课组成,每课分课堂教学材料和课后听力材料两部分,并分别配有相应的练习,旨在系统全面地提高学生的听力理解技能和思考、记忆能力。  《英语听力教程》可作为中学英语教师进修高等师范英语专业本科之用,亦可供非英语专业人员和广大英语爱好者自学英语之用。


Lesson One Part I Public School System in the United StatesPart II Punishment On TruancyLesson Two Part I CompetencyTests for American TeachersPart II PoorWriting Ability ofAmerican PupilsLesson Three Part I VOA Child Health Care CampaignPart II A UNICEF Repon the Welfare of ChildrenLesson Four Part I Handgun Violence in American SchoolsPart II Brady LawLesson Five Part I Smoking in American SchoolsPart II Smoking,Alcohol and DrugsLesson Six Part I Domestic ViolencePart I I American Women’S Rights ActivistsLesson Seven Part I Equal Pay for Equal WorkPart II American Women’S Role in EconomyLesson Eight Part I The Growing Crises in the WorldPart II Growing Urban CrisisLesson Nine Part I Best Cities for BusinessPart II  Revitalized Waterfront in San FranciscoLesson Ten Part I Flag DayPart II Gettysburg BattleLesson Eleven Part l HalloweenPart ll Ch—stmas Season PurchaseLesson Twelve Part I HomelessnessPart II Beggars in NewYork CityLesson Thirteen Part I Capital Punishment in the United StatesPart II Violent Crime in the United StatesLesson Fourteen Part I Immigrants’Languages Spoken at Homein the U.S.Part II The Official Language in the United StatesLesson Fifteen  Part I Drive Less.Ride MorePart II Bicycle Production in ChinaLesson Sixteen Part I A New Study ofAdolf Hitlers IllnessesPart ll POIioLesson Seventeen Part I BowlingPart II Balanced DietLesson Eighteen Part I Hubble MissionPart II SpaceWalksTapescriptAnswer Key


  Surgeon General Joicelin Elders opened a news conference in Washington,sayingthat smoking by high seniors rose last year for the first time after annual surveys began in1976.More than 30 percent of the seniors and almost half of 8th graders do not believethat there is a great risk for smoking.Most of the adults in the United States who smoke began the habit before age 18.Estimated 3 million adolescents now smoke cigarettes and a million use chewing tobaccoor othersmokeless tobacco products.Health consequences quickly occur,including severerespiratory ailments and retarded lung function.If they persist,these young smokers willrisk joining the ranks of the 420,000 Americans who die each year from cancer or otherdiseases linked tO smoking. Furthermore,tobacco appears to be a gateway drug leading to subsequent use ofalcohol,marijuana and other drugs.The nation’S top public health official says that young-sters most likely to use tobacco are those with low academic achievement,little ability toresist and a lower self-image.The tobacco industry’S marketing experts promote theirproduct to such people by giving it an appealing image,the five-S image.By adoptingcigarette smoking,young people are led to believe that they’re slim,they’re sexy,they’resociable,they’re sophisticated and they’re successful.




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