

孔庆炎,刘鸿章总 高等教育出版社









  高等职业教育担负着培养高素质劳动者和专门人才的重要任务。最近教育部等6部委又提出了加快培养制造业和现代服务业技能型紧缺人才工程的计划,这有助于高职高专院校彻底打破传统的学科式教育模式,突出职业教育的特点。积极进行高等职业教育两年制学制改革,是落实上述目标的重要措施。这就是我们编写《实用交际英语》的依据和出发点。  《实用交际英语》是在教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会组织编写的推荐教材《新编实用英语》(New Practical English)的基础上,根据两年制教学时间短、职业指向性强的特点精心设计、调整编写的。《实用交际英语》以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》(以下简称《基本要求》)为参照,坚持“实用为主,够用为度,以应用为目的”的大方向,以培养学生的英语应用能力,特别是实用能力为主旨。  《实用交际英语》遵循如下原则:  1.按照“以社会需求为目标、以就业为导向、以实用为特点”的科学化的高职高专英语教学体系,进一步严格筛选《基本要求》中的《交际范围表》所规定的交际主题,在综合培养听、说、读、译、写各项技能的同时,特别注意口语交际能力的训练。  2.加强应用文实用阅读能力的培养,满足一线工作人员的实际涉外交际需要。  3.将英语应用能力的训练具体体现在对实用英语能力的培养上。应用能力既指应用语言基本功的能力,更指把这些基本功运用到实际涉外交际中的能力,后者也可称作“实用能力”。“应用能力”是“实用能力”的基础,“实用能力”则是“应用能力”的具体体现。  4.认真贯彻“学一点、会一点、用一点”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则。  5.“教、学、考”相互照应。《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》所规定的项目和要求都将在教材中得到反映和训练。因此,学习《实用交际英语》,有助于学生通过“高等学校英语应用能力考试”。




1 TIMETABLES AND SCHEDULESSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ Punctuality and Keeping PromisePassage Ⅱ Begin Each Day with a Fresh Plan of AttackSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun2 INVITATIONSSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ Are You Really Being Invited?Passage Ⅱ An Invitation LetterSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun3 COMMUNICATION BY PHONESection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ For Conversation Press # 1Passage Ⅱ Communication by Phone in the U.S.Section Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun4 MAKING RESERVATIONSSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ C/freer LodgePassage Ⅱ Beginning the BusinessSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun5 APPLYING FOR ALOBSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ Applying for a New BossPassage Ⅱ Beginning the BusinessSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun6 MANAGERS AND CEOSSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ One Minute ManagerPassage Ⅱ Remarks at the Marco Polo Award Presentaton CeremonySection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun7 PROMOTING ACTIVITIESSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ Tips for Going to Chinas TradeshowsPassage Ⅱ Io Rules for Attendiny Exhibitions in ChinaSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun8 ACOMPANY PROSPECTUSSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ The Art of PriAce WarPassage Ⅱ Everyone Has a Chance to WinSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun9 PURCHASE AND PAYMENTSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ Who is Using My Credit Card Today/?Passage Ⅱ E-Business Means OpportunitiesSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some Fun10 TRAINING AND AND LEARNINGSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage Ⅰ Cultural Stereotupes and misunderstandingsPassage Ⅱ Change, Or Get Left BehindSection Ⅳ Trying Your HandSection Ⅴ Having Some FunNEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSVOCABULARY


  Read the following paragraph. One or more irrelevant sentences were added to it. Identify these irrelevant sentences and cross them out.  My Favorite Hobbies  I enjoy three hobbies in my free time. My first hobby is playing with my two-year-old son. I especially like to teach him new words. He listens very carefully to me and copies what I say. I also like to take him for walks. When his small hands cling to my hand, I feel so close to him, and his wide smile warms my heart. If we play ball, he gets excited and screams with joy. Unfortunately, the ball makes the neighbors dog bark.  My second hobby is watching TV with my son. We watch Sesame Street together almost every day. It helps us learn English. The English on the news is too fast and really frustrates me. My son sits beside me, and sometimes we laugh until the tears come.  My third hobby is planting flowers in my garden. When I am watering the flowers, I feel a joy like the joy I feel when I am feeding my son. When I see the plants and flowers grow up inch by inch, I think of how my son is growing up, too. I wish the snails would stop eating my plants, though. These three hobbies fill me with a special pleasure like none I have ever experienced before.




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