Unit One Anthropo1ogy:The Evo1ution of HUman EndeavorChapter 1 Anthropology:The Study of Human Beings and Thei r CreationsChapter 2 The Concept of Cu1ture:Understanding One AnotherUnit Two History:The Passing of Sme and Civi1izationsChapter 3 The Egyptian Pyramids:Houses of EternityChapter 4 The First Emperor of China:Bui1ding an Empire and a House of EternityUnit Three Socio1ogy:Women,Men,and Changing Ro1esChapter 5 The Womens Movement:From 1iberation to FeminismChapter 6 The Mens Movement:What Does It Mean to Be a Man?Unit Four I Communication:The Inf1uence of 1anguage1 Cu1ture,and GenderChapter 7 C1assroom Communication:1anguage and Cu1tu re in the C1assroomChapter 8 Gender and Communication:Ma1e—Fema1e C0nversatiOn as Cross—CU1tura1CommunicationUnit Five Bio1ogy:Understanding Genetics to Genetic EngineeringChapter 9 The Origins of Genetics:Mende1 and the Garden Pea ExperimentChapter 10 Genetic Engineering in the Biotech Century:P1aying It Smart or P1aying Rou1ette with Mother NaturesDesigns?AudioscriptsAnswer Keys
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