

姜怡,姜欣 北京蓝色畅想图书发行有限公司(原高等教育出版社)











  随着英语教学的改革和发展,大学新生入学后很快完成大学英语基础阶段学习,并通过四、六级考试的人数在不断增加,大学英语高年级阶段教材的需求也相应地在快速增长。为此,我们编写了大学英语高级阶段专门用途英语系列教材。本系列教材以需求分析(Needs Analysis)为基础,以社会语言学、行为语言学和教育心理学等理论为指导,以满足各领域学生对于英语学习的不同需要为目的,力求以新的教材编写理念向学生提供其未来工作和学习所需的实用英语技能和实践机会。本系列教材包含了文化交流英语、学术活动英语等。  这套教材可以从不同角度比较全面地满足大学英语高年级阶段的学生对于英语的多元化要求,在巩固和拓宽原有知识和技能的基础上提高学生的英语应用能力。本套教材的特点是使用时伸缩自如、侧重灵活、适用面广、实用性强,也符合教育部高教司“大学英语改革工程”所确定的加强实用性英语教学、全面提高大学生英语应用能力的教改方向。《文化交流英语》以介绍中国优秀的传统文化为主线,共分10章节,涵盖10个精选的中华文化板块,主题内容具有代表性、民族性和趣味陸,包括:舞台艺术(戏剧、民乐、曲艺等);笔墨艺术(文房四宝、书法、国画等);建筑艺术(亭台楼阁、四合院、园林等);文学艺术(诗、词、歌、赋、中国文字等);饮食文化(中餐、小吃、茶艺等);节日习俗(传统节日、民俗、庆典等);名胜古迹(长城、敦煌石窟、兵马俑等);服装饰品(旗袍、扇子、中国结、蜡染等);修身养性(太极、武术、中医药等);思想意识(儒、道、佛教、传统道德观等)。每个单元的组成部分为:热身问题(Walk-Up Question):3-5个相关的讨论题,使学生热身,做好进入主题的思想准备。听懂与说出山listen in and speak out):三篇对话、段落或独白输入,六项以“说出”为主、以“听懂”为辅的听说技能训练题。  读懂与写出(Read in and write out):三篇阅读文章输入,两篇以中国传统文化为内容,一篇与英美文化作对比。六项以“写出”为主、以“读懂”为辅的技能训练题。  引进与推出(Introduce in and present out):其中包括:1.文化宝库;2.交际实践;3.能力拓展。


  《文化交流英语》介绍了中国优秀传统文化,涵盖了10个中华文化板块:舞台艺术、笔墨艺术、建筑艺术、文学艺术、饮食文化、节日习俗、名胜古迹、服装饰品、修身养性、思想意识。同时,每课还对相应题材的外国文化进行了介绍并配有各项技能练习。《文化交流英语》选材广泛、立意深远,旨在培养中国学生对外宣传本国文化的能力,适合大学高年级学生使用。  随着英语教学的改革和发展,大学英语高年级阶段教材的需求也相应地在快速增长。本套教材可以从不同角度比较全面地满足大学英语高年级阶段的学生对于英语的多元化要求,在巩固和拓宽原有知识和技能的基础上提高学生的英语应用能力。


UNIT 1 Performing ArtsUNIT 2 Calligraphy and PaintingUNIT 3 Architecture and GardeningUNIT 4 Language and LiteratureUNIT 5 Food and Calinary HeritageUNIT 6 Festivals and CustomsUNIT 7 Scenic S00tS and Historical SitesUNIT 8 Atti re and AccessoriesUNlT 9 Medicine and HealthUNIT 10 Philosophical Ideas and EthicsKey and Script


  She told me of my grandfather’S devotion to his own children,and howdifficult it was for him to send his daughter to America for her education,fearing that same separation.He offered my mother all that he could give-nineteen years of love and fifty years of savings.I learned how my mother,through channels available in America,was finally able to reunite my great.grandmother with my grandfather.The dragon spiraled around the vase,connecting the separate vines. For a fleeting second,l felt its presence in mymothers room.It was all very strange,yet very clear.I began to understandthat this trip to China was not just for me,it was for my mother,and herfather,and his mother.Now,I had not only a future,but more importantly,apast.I saw the world with new eyes. And SO l went to China and met my great.grandmother.My great.auntpicked me up at the training center,and we rode in a taxi through the capitalcity.We finally stopped in front of fl narrow street lined on either side withsmall one-story houses.My great.aunt led me through a dark doorway into aroom with a furnace,a table,and a rocking chair where an old woman,coveredwith a brown blanket,wearing gloves sat facing the doorway.1 walked overand immediately embraced this frail old woman as if I had known her all mylife.My stilted broken Chinese wasnt up to expressing my complicatedfeelings.Even though I couldnt completely understand what she was sayingin her thick Beijing accent,I knew her meaning-the same way I knew whatmy mother had been trying to tel]me before I left.Her elation beamed throughher toothless smile.She wouldn’t let go of my hand.I haltingly asked herhow she had managed to live such a long life.She answered in words 1 willnever forget.“Hope has kept me alive.I have lived this long because l wantedto see my son before I died.” My fellow teammates must have wondered how two people separatedby three generations could be SO close.Before this trip,1 would have wonderedthe same thing.And even now,l Cant quite explain it。We were as different astwo people can be;some 85 years and 8 000 miles apart.We came from twoentirely different cultures;yet we were connected by a common heritage.





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