Lesson 1 Text Evolution of Managemnet Text Introduction Notes VocabuIa ry Comprehension Questions DIscussion Questions ExerciseS Translation Writing Case Study Boeing Company TermS Synergy Delphi Analysis ProfjIe Hen ri Fayol ReferencesLesson 2 Text Management:Functions and Skills Text IntrodUCtIOn NOles VocabuIa ry Comp rehension Questions DiSCUSSlon Questions Exercises TransIation Writing Case Study Southwest Airlines Terms Management Cont rol Systems Organizational Envi ronment Profi|e Robe rl Dickenson ReferenCesLesson 3 Text Decision Making Text Int roductiOn Notes VocabuIa ry Comp rehension Questions DiSCUSSion Questions Exercises TransIation Writing Case Study Mic rosoft Co rpo ration Terms lncentive Plans Intellectual P rope rty ……Lesson 4 Text Strategic ManagementLesson 5 Text LeadershipLesson 6 Text Moticating for Performance Lesson 7 Text Interpersonal Communication Lesson 8 Text Restaurant ManagementLesson 9 Text Hotel ManagementLesson 10 Text Travel Agency ManagementLesson 11 Text International Financial ManagementLesson 12 Text Management Support SystemsLesson 13 Text Tourism EconomicsLesson 14 Text Torism MarketingLesson 15 Text Business ResarchNoresDocabularyReferences
Originally the hotel restaurant was designed to give a traveler in a strangecity a place to eat where the food would be good or at least palatable and safe toeat. In recent years, however, the restaurant industry has grown both in di-versity of concepts and menus. Moreover, that growth has meant the spread ofrestaurants into more and more locations, making restaurant food service readi-ly available. Many successful chain restaurants carry well-known brand namesto which travelers areaccustomed. In the face of stiffening restaurant competi-tion for the hotel guest's food and beverage patronage, some hoteliers have de-veloped hotels, such as the economy and all-suite properties that offer only verylimited food service usually a complimentary breakfast and, in all-suite opera-tions, complimentary cocktails in the evening. On the other hand, in full-serv-ice hotels, the food service operation continues to be not only a vital service buta key competitive weapon. Many full-service hotels have several quite differentfood outlets. This extends the services available to the guest and helps keepthe guest's food business in the hotel. While well-run restaurant and banquetdepartments are vital to full-service hotels, they are not by any means an easything to deliver. In fact, there's an old saying among hotel people that "if youcan run the food, the hotel will run itself. " Like most folklore, this exaggera-tion carries more than just a grain of truth.Some large properties offer a catering department (or banquet department)headed by a catering manager who books and sells banquets. Smaller propertiesinclude this activity among the restaurant manager's duties. Larger propertieshave special full- and part-time banquet service staffs. Smaller properties drawbanquet service personnel from their regular crew and often supplement themwith part-time employees. Banquets are often profitable but, once again, inmany properties the banquet menus and banquet rooms are meant principally toserve the rooms department. Thus, a meeting may occupy one conference roomall day. Perhaps the hotel supplies a coffee break and a luncheon in anotherroom. It probably charges the business people little, if anything, over whatthose meals and snacks would cost in the dining room. Moreover, it may notcharge extra for the meeting facilities.