《大学体验英语综合教程》是高等教育出版社为大学英语基础阶段教学编写的一套“十五”国家级规划教材。此套教材充分研究了国内外各教育层次的英语教材的编写原则与特点,既吸纳了国内教材注重思想性、人文性、科学性以及注重打好语言基础等优点,又注入了国外社区教育、大众教育、终身教育的实用、应用型教学的特点;既注意打好语言基础,更侧重培养应用能力,特别是实际使用英语进行涉外交际的能力。在培养阅读能力的同时,加强听、说、写、译等语言技能的综合训练,尤其注重口头和书面实用表达能力的训练与培养,以适应中国人世以后对外交往的需要。因此,此套教材一经推出便因为引领了外语教学的潮流,在教师和学生中获得了很高的评价。 本套“大学体验英语综合教程学练考系列”教辅是对《大学体验英语综合教程》又一种全新的诠释和补充,旨在帮助学生更好地理解主干教材,领悟全新理念下编写出的教材的思想精髓。从学生的学习习惯出发,全书共分以下四大板块: 首先,学习目标(Learning Objectives)。这部分将全书所要学习的语言要点一一列出:重点词汇和词组、听说主题与相关技巧、阅读主题与相关技巧以及写作培养目标,这样为学生设定好学习的终点,使学生能有针对性地开始学习。 第二,学习过程(Learning Procedure)。这部分是全书的重中之重,旨在帮助学生在学习纸面教材的同时得到必要的点拨和强化。这其中包含了课文中听说部分的相关话题、课文背景知识讲解、篇章分析、难句注释、语法扫描、词汇讲解、短语讲解、参考译文等板块,从面到点,由浅人深,渐人佳境,彻底地帮助学生解决语言点和理解上的各类问题。 第三,学习自测(Learning and Test)。这部分旨在检验学生的学习效果,同时巩固学习成果。主要分为两大板块:课文中练习的参考答案以及详细解析,以及单元同步测试题。其中单元同步测试题均与四六级考试的题型一致,有助于学生提前热身,了解新题型。 第四,幽默园地(Humorland)。这部分旨在使学习者在紧张的学习之余能体验到学习英语的乐趣。在笑声中提升对英语语言的兴趣,同时也得到了身心上的放松。
《大学体验英语综合教程学练考2》内容包括了:本套“大学体验英语综合教程学练考系列”教辅是对《大学体验英语综合教程》又一种全新的诠释和补充,旨在帮助学生更好地理解主干教材,领悟全新理念下编写出的教材的思想精髓。从学生的学习习惯出发,全书共分以下四大板块:首先,学习目标(Learning Objectives)。这部分将全书所要学习的语言要点一一列出:重点词汇和词组、听说主题与相关技巧、阅读主题与相关技巧以及写作培养目标,这样为学生设定好学习的终点,使学生能有针对性地开始学习。
Unit 1 Famous UniversitiesLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Unit 2 Jobs and CareersLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Unit 3 AdvertisingLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Unit 4Calamities and RescuesLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Unit 5 Ways to SuccessLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Unit 6 Sports and HealthLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Unit 7 Family TiesLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Unit 8 Computers and SecurityLearning Objectives(学习目标)Learning Procedure(学习过程)Learning and Test(学习自测)Humorland(幽默园地)Keys to the ExercisesReferenes
When astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon for the first time, on July 20,1969, it representedone of the most inspiring achievements in mans history to millions of people throughout the world. But to asmall organization called the International Flat Earth Research Society, it was nothing more than a piece ofcleverly stage-managed science-fiction trickery. And Armstrongs historic words when stepping down from the Eagle module onto the dusty lunar surfaceabout 240,000 miles from earth —— "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind"—— was a phrase thatcould have come only from the pen of a scriptwriter. As for the pictures reputedly taken in space showing the earth to be a rotating sphere, well, they were justtoo ludicrous for words. The sun, say the Flat Earthers, circuits the earth instead of the earth revolving aroundthe sun —— a notion that most people take for granted. The society, whose membership is currently estimated to be about 1,400, dismisses much of acceptedmodern thinking about the shape of the earth as sheer nonsense and is convinced that the entire human race isbeing subjected to the greatest hoax in history. From its headquarters in Lancaster, California, the society wages a war of words through newsletters andpamphlets against the evils of science. The society was founded about 1800 in Great Britain and the United States and, says its American presidentCharles Johnson, was descended from the Zetetic society, which took its name from an ancient Greekphilosophical school of skeptics. It survived under this name until 1956, when its general secretary, SamuelShenton, of Kent, England, changed the name to the present title. The societys belief is this: that the earth is flat, with the land masses grouped around the central point ofthe North Pole. The Antarctic region is not the compact island mass it is commonly believed to be but an impenetrable ice-cold girdle around the earth. The Flat Earthers argue that transantarctic expeditions have never happened.Explorers, misled by instrument faults, merely traveled an icy arc within the girdle.
学习目标(Learning Objectives)。将全书所要学习的语言要点一一列出:重点词汇和词组、听说主题与相关技巧,阅读主题与相关技巧以及写作培养目标,这样为学生设定好学习的终点,使学生能有针对性地开始学习。 学习过程(Learning Procedure)。旨在帮助学生在学习纸面教材的同时得到必要的点拨和强化。这其中包含了课文中听说部分的相关话题、课文背景知识讲解、篇章分析、难句注释、语法扫描、词汇讲解、短语讲解、参考译文等板块,从面到点,由浅入深,渐入佳境,彻底地帮助学生解决语言点和理解上的各类问题。 学习自测(Learning and Test)。旨在检验学生的学习效果,同时巩固学习成果。主要分为两大板块:课文中练习的参考答案以及详细解析,以及单元同步测试题。其中单元同步测试题均与四六级考试的题型一致,有助于学生提前热身,了解新题型。 幽默园地(Humorland)。旨在使学习者在紧张的学习之余能体验到学习英语的乐趣。在笑声中提升对英语语言的兴趣,同时也得到了身心上的放松。