

加西欧洛维茨 高等教育











The first edition of Quantum Physics was published about thirty years ago. The guide-lines that i set out in the preface to that edition as well as its general approach are ones towhich I still subscribe. I wrote:This book is intended to serve as an introduction to quantum physics. In writing it, Ihave kept several guidelines in mind:1. First, it is helpful for the development of intuition in any new field of study to start with a base of detailed knowledge about simple systems. I have therefore worked out a number of problems in great detail, so that the insight thus obtained can be used for more complex systems.2. Every aspect of quantum mechanics has been helpful in understanding some physical phenomenon. I have laid great stress on applications at every stage of development of the subject. Although no area of quantum mechanics is totally developed,my intention is to bridge the gap between a modem physics course and the moreformal development of quantum mechanics. Thus, many applications are discussed,and I have stressed order-of-magnitude estimates and the importance of numbers.3. In keeping with the level of the book, the mathematical structure has been kept assimple as possible. New concepts, such as operators, and new mathematical toolsnecessarily make their appearance. I have dealt with the former more by analogy thanby precise definition, and I have minimized the use of new tools insofar as possible. There were few changes in the second edition. This, the third edition, is not funda-mentally different in spirit from the first two, but it differs in detail in many ways.The principal changes are the following:(a) The ordering of chapters has been changed. This edition of the book divides more neatly into the basics of quantum mechanics and the most important applications that one would want to cover in a one-semester course versus a series of chapters on more general applications. Because I have tended to build new mate rial on the base of previously discussed material, this change makes the book more useful for a one-semester course.(b) In response to advice from a number of users of the book, I have expanded somewhat the discussion of the general structure of wave mechanics and the more abstract description of quantum mechanics (including the Dirac notation). In keeping with guideline 3 listed above, I have avoided the introduction of a mini-course on linear algebra. This beautiful mathematical development is best treated in a first year graduate course.(c) I did not wish to increase the size of the book and have therefore shortened parts of the text by putting some material on the book's web site [wwW.wiloy.con/college/ gasiorowicz. This material consists of several kinds of supplements:some longer derivations or arguments that are not central to the developmentof a particular subject; examples include the discussion of the derivation of theblackbody radiation formula, as derived by Einstein, and topics in the additionof angular momentum.


  《量子物理》是国外大学开设量子力学课程选用较多的几本量子力学教材之一,国内也有几所大学已经选用了其原版书作为主讲教材。《量子物理》的课程体系结构和我国的量子力学课程体系比较接近,非常适合国内开展双语教学使用。《量子物理》为第三版,同前两版相比,《量子物理》保持了讲解详细、数学过程尽可能简单、结合一些实际的应用来讲解量子力学的特点,同时根据使用中出现的问题对章节顺序做了相应的调整,对一些具体内容也做了适当的增删,使得本教材更适合一个学期的量子力学课程。 该书共20章,内容包括量子力学简介,波粒二像性、概率波和薛定鄂方程,本征值问题,一维势,波动力学基本体系,量子力学算符,角动量,三维薛定鄂方程和氢原子,算符的矩阵表示,自旋,含时扰动方程I,真实氢原子,多粒子体系,原子和分子,含时扰动方程II,带电粒子和电磁场的相互作用,辐射,辐射相关话题,碰撞理论和量子纠缠态及其意义。《量子物理》可作为物理类专业量子力学课程的教材,尤其适合开展双语教学的学校,对于有志出国深造的人员也是一本非常优秀的参考书。


作者:(美国)加西欧洛维茨(Stephen Gasiorowicz)


1.The Emergence of Quantum Physics1-1 Blackbody Radiation1-2 The Photoelectric Effect1-3 The Compton Effect1-4 Wave Properties of Matter and Electron Diffraction1-5 The Bohr AtomThe Rutherford Planetary ModelThe Bohr PostulatesThe Correspondence PrincipleProblemsSUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE:1-A Einsteins Approach to Plancks Law1-B Estimate of Lifetime of a Rutherford Atom2.Wave Particle Duality, Probability, and the Schrodinger Equation2-1 Radiation as Particles, Electrons as Waves2-2 Plane Waves and WavepacketsHow Wave Packets Move2-3 The Probability Interpretation of the Wave Function2-4 The Schrtdinger Equation2-5 The Heisenberg Uncertainty RelationsDiffraction of a Photon BeamInability to Localize Bohr OrbitsInterim Summary2-6 More on the Probability InterpretationThe Importance of PhasesThe Probability Current2-7 Expectation Values and the Momentum in Wave MechanicsThe Momentum in Wave MechanicsWave Function in Momentum SpaceProblemsSUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE:2-A The Fourier Integral and Delta Functions2-B A Brief Tutorial on Probability3.Eigenvalues, Eigenfunctions, and the Expansion Postulate3-1 The Time-Independent Schrtdinger Equation3-2 Eigenvalue Equations3-3 The Eigenvalue Problem for a Particle in a Box3-4 The Expansion Postulate and Its Physical InterpretationThe Interpretation of the Expansion Coefficients3-5 Momentum Eigenfunctions and the Free ParticleNormalization of the Free Particle Wave FunctionDegeneracy3-6 ParityProblems4.One-Dimensional Potentials4-1 The Potential Step4-2 The Potential Well4-3 The Potential Barrier4-4 An Example of Tunneling4-5 Bound States in a Potential Well4-6 Deltas Function Potentials4-7 The Harmonic OscillatorProblemsSUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE:4-A The Wentzel.Kramers-Brillouin-Jeffreys Approximation4-B Tunneling in Nuclear Physics4-C Periodic PotentialsThe Kronig-Penney Model5.The General Structure of Wave Mechanics5-1 Eigenfunctions and EigenvaluesThe Hamiltonian Operator5-2 Other ObservablesThe Interpretation of the Expansion Coefficients5-3 Vector Spaces and Operators5-4 Degeneracy and Simultaneous Observables5-5 Time Dependence and the Classical LimitProblemsSUPPLEMENT ON THE WEB SITE:5-A Uncertainty Relations6.Operator Methods in Quantum Mechanics6-1 Rephrasing Wave Mechanics——An Abstract Viewof Quantum MechanicsProjection Operators6-2 The Energy Spectrum of the Harmonic Oscillator6-3 From Operators Back to the Schrodinger Equation6-4 The Time Dependence of OperatorsProblems7.Angular Momentum7-1 The Angular Momentum Commutation Relations7-2 Raising and Lowering Operators for Angular Momentum7-3 Representation of I,m States in Spherical Coordinates7-4 Comments on the Expansion TheoremProblems7-A Rotational lnvarianceInvariance Under Rotations About the z.Axis7-B Angular Momentum in Spherical Coordinates8.The Schrodinger Equation in Three Dimensions and the Hydrogen Atom8-1 The Central Potential8-2 The Hydrogen Atom8-3 The Energy SpectrumThe Degeneracy of the Spectrum8-4 The Free Particle8-5 Particle in an Infinite Spherical WellProblemsSUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE:8-A A Useful Theorem8-B The Square Well, Continuum SolutionsThe Plane Wave Spherical Harmonics9.Matrix Representation of Operators9-1 Matrices in Quantum Mechanics9-2 Matrix Representations of Angular Momentum Operators9-3 General Relations in Matrix MechanicsProblems10.Spin10-1 Eigenstates of Spin 1/210-2 The Intrinsic Magnetic Moment of Spin 1/2 Particles10-3 Paramagnetic Resonance10-4 Addition of Two Spins10-5 The Addition of Spin 1/2 and Orbital Angular MomentumGeneral Rules for Addition of Angular MomentaProblemsSUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE:1O-A The Addition of Spin 1/2 and Orbital Angular Momentum (Details)General Rules for Addition of Angular Momenta, and Implications for Identical Particles W.10-B The Levi-Civita Symbol and Maxwells Equations11.Time-Independent Perturbation Theory11-1 Energy Shifts and Perturbed Eigenstates11-2 Degenerate Perturbation Theory11-3 The Stark EffectThe Stark Effect for n = 2 StatesSome Final CommentsProblems12.The Real Hydrogen Atom12-1 Relativistic Kinetic Energy Effects12-2 Spin-Orbit Coupling12-3 The Anomalous Zeeman Effect12-4 Hyperfine Structure12-5 Comments on Reduced Mass EffectsProblems13.Many Partide Systems13-1 The Two-Particle System13-2 Identical ParticlesThe Exchange Operator13-3 The Pauli PrincipleN Fermions in a Potential WellWhen Is Antisymmetrization Necessary?13-4 The Exclusion Principle and the Two-Particle ProblemA Digression on Parity13-5 The Exclusion Principle and Noninteracting Particles13-6 ApplicationsDegeneracy Pressure and Bulk ModulusAstrophysical ApplicationProblemsSUPPLEMENT ON THE WEB SITE:13-A Conservation of Total Momentum14.About Atoms and Molecules14-1 The Helium Atom without Electron-Electron RepulsionEffects of the Exclusion Principle14-2 Effects of Electron-Electron Repulsion14-3 Exclusion Principle and Exchange InteractionAutoionization14-4 The Ritz Variational PrincipleThe Ground-State Energy of Helium14-5 The Atom with Z Electrons14-6 The Simplest Molecule H2+Molecular Orbitals14-7 Molecular SpectraThe Role of the Pauli Principle in Molecular SpectraProblemsSUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE:14-A The Hartree Approximation14-B The Building-Up PrincipleSpectroscopic Description of Ground States14-C A Brief Discussion of MoleculesThe H2 Molecule W.The Valence Bond MethodThe Importance of Unpaired Valence Electrons15.Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory16.The Interaction of Charged Particles with the Electromagnetic Field17.Radiative Decays18.Selected Topics on Radiation19.Collision Theory20.Entanglement and Its ImplicationsPhysical ConstantsReferencesIndex




《量子物理(第3版•影印版)(英文版)》由Stephen Gasiorowicz著,是国外大学开设量子力学课程选用较多的几本量子力学教材之一,内容包括量子力学简介,波粒二像性、概率波和薛定鄂方程,本征值问题等,可作为物理类专业量子力学课程的教材。





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