

16开 语言、文字











  一.指导思想  根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲(2000年)》的要求,21世纪英语专业人才应该打好扎实的英语语言基础,牢固掌握英语专业知识,同时要拓宽人文学科知识和科学知识,并具有获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力和创新能力。英语专业基础阶段的课程设置与教学任务主要围绕听、说、读、写、译技能和方法的训练,为进入高年级打下扎实的基础。大纲强调,高年级的主要教学任务之一仍然是打好语言基本功,语言技能的训练应自始至终贯穿四年的教学过程。  那么,英语专业到了高级阶段,如何在有限的学时内继续加强语言技能的训练,又拓宽学生的文化知识和科学知识,同时又在教学中贯彻素质教育的理念,培养学生的独立思考能力和创新能力,提高他们的文化素质和心理素质呢这一问题直接关系到教学理念的更新、课程设置的调整,及教学内容和方法的改革。  在新世纪英语教学大纲的指导下,我们对英语专业高年级阶段的教学任务与目标进行了认真思考。认为英语教学到了高级阶段,语言技能的训练应该为学生在今后实际工作中用英语进行真正意义上的信息交流和学术交流打下坚实基础。也就是说,高级阶段的英语技能训练不是为学习而学习,而是为了使用而学习,使英语成为信息交流、思想交流和学术交流的有效工具。  出于这一指导思想,我们在北京理工大学教务处的大力支持下,着手编写这本《科技英语读写——方法与实践》一书,作为我校英语专业的特色教材之一,并试图填补英语专业科技英语教材的空白。  编写此教材的主要目的有四个方面:  1.继续培养学生的英语技能,但语言技能的培养上升到语篇和语体的层面。使学生熟悉科技文章的体裁特征、语篇特征和语体特征,增强英语语体意识,提高语言鉴赏能力。  2.培养学生用英语获取知识和信息的能力和效率。指导并训练学生阅读原版英语科技期刊文章,从而使他们掌握一套以获取知识和信息为目的的有效阅读方法。  3.提高学生的英语应用能力和产出能力。引导学生对获取的信息进行分析、思考和运用。  4.拓宽学生的科技视野和学术视野,扩大知识面。激发学生积极、深入地思考问题,培养科学、严谨和创造性思维方式。


  《科技英语读写:方法与实践》是关于“科技英语读写”方面知识的阅读教学专著,《科技英语读写:方法与实践》分两大部分:第一部分是Reading your way into technical writing,由11个单元组成,是教材的主体;第二部分 Extending your scope of reading,由11篇文章组成,供学生进行课外阅读。 第一部分每个单元由Objectives;Preparing for reading;Surveying;Reading;Analyzingmacro structure;Grasping essential points;Understanding language feathres;Organizingdetails;Responding to the text和Writing 10大块内容构成。


Part oneReading your way into tecnicalUnit 1 Getting Started: Identifying and Solving a Problem Ten Techniques for Activating the Spirit and Reducing StressUnit 2 Examining the Nature of a Familiar Phenomenon TV Addiction Versus Substance DependenceUnit 3 Analyzing and Preventing a Disease InfluenzaUnit 4 Explaining a Mechanism Why We Sleep: A BiologicalPerspectiveUnit 5 Presenting and Illustrating an Argument Global Versus Local Issues in Noise Control PolicyUnit 6 Offering a Critical Review Hotel DesignUnit 7 Debating a New Technology Seeds of ConcernUnit 8 Drawing Inferences and Framing Hypotheses The Unearthly Landscapes of Mars: the Red Planet Is No Dead PlanetUnit 9 Testing a Hypothesis The Value of Positive EmotionsUnit 10 Applying a Clean Technology Fuel CellsUnit 11 Undertaking a Research Project Assessing the Attitudes and Behaviors of Pedestrians and Drivers in Traffic SituationsPart twoExtending your scope o- reading1. Engineering Education2. The Nature of Emotions3. Fighting HIV with HIV4. Aging: A Biological Perspective5. The Problems with Relying on Technology6. As One Door Closes7. Technology and the Humanities8. Framing Hypotheses: A Cautioncry Tale9. The Kindness of Strangers10. Non-medical Lasers: Everyday Life in a New Light11. Driver Inattention, Driver Distraction and Traffic CrashesKey to part oneKey topart


  Task 7  Read thefollowing extended definition oflasers and determine whatinformation is included and how the details are organized.  Whaf Is a Laser?  Laser is an acronym for“light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.”Radiation,in this case,is another word for electromagnetic energy,which includes light.  Laser light has several properties that make it different from regular light.First,it is often collimated,which means it travels in a narrow beam for long distances,rather than going off in many direc tions as regular light does.  Laser light is also coherent,which means that the light waves stay synchronized over long distances.And it is monochromatic,of one color.Some laser beams are invisible,producing light in the infrared or ultraviolet wavelengths.  A laser can produce a short burst of light or a continuous beam.Because it can focus narrowly,laser light can be much more intense than regular light,especially in bursts.Laser beams range in power from a few microwatts to several billion watts in short bursts.  It was Albert Einstein who first conceived of laser light.In 1917,he theorized that atoms could be stimulated to release energy with a specific wavelength and direction.But it wasn’t until 1960 that Theodore Mainman,an American scientist,put together the first successful laser.  Like Mainman’s invention,many lasers today contain three major parts.First,there’s a cylinder-shaped rod called the lasing medium.Mainman used a synthetic crystal ruby,but today’s lasing mediums are often glass tubes filled with liquid or gases such as helium,neon,argon,and carbon dioxide.  Second,a laser has a power supply that excites the atoms in the lasing medium with energy.The power supply charges the atoms to their capacity,eventually causing them to release photons in one wavelength and direction.





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