

《新编实用英语》教材编写组 编 高等教育





《新编实用英语》教材编写组 编  






  根据《普通高等专科英语课程教学基本要求》编写的《实用英语》(1995年出版)为高等专科英语教学改革起到了导向与规范作用,取得了开拓性的成果。它既重视语言基本技能的训练,又在很大程度上体现了培养实际应用英语能力的目的。1999年,根据国家对高等专科教育、高等职业教育和成人高等教育实行“三教统筹”的精神,编写组对《实用英语》进行了局部的修订,使之更加符合“三教”的要求。加入WTO之后,中国与世界经济进一步接轨,国家对高职高专的英语教学提出了更加重视实用能力培养的要求,因此,高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会(以下简称“课委会”)决定重编《实用英语》,以适应新形势对高职高专英语教学改革的紧迫需要。  《新编实用英语》(New Practical English)是由课委会组织全国各地有丰富教学经验的教师编写的。它既坚持了《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》(以下简称《基本要求》)的正确方向,保持和突出了《实用英语》的优点,又反映了全面更新教学内容的实际。所谓全面更新是指在坚持《基本要求》为高职高专培养实用性人才和坚持“以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度”的大方向的前提下,进一步更新观念、更新内容、更新体系、更新要求。这主要体现在如下几个方面:  1.严格按照《基本要求》编写。《基本要求》中的《交际范围表》所规定的交际主题是我们选材的依据和出发点,而且读、译、听、说、写各项技能的培养与训练都围绕同一交际话题展开。  2.进一步克服忽视听说技能训练的弱点,加大听说技能、特别是实用交际能力的训练,把培养一定的实用口语交际能力作为本教程的重要任务。  3.加强对应用文等实用文体阅读能力的培养,满足在一线工作的业务人员实际的涉外交际需要。  4.将英语应用能力的训练具体体现于实用英语能力的培养之中。应用能力既指应用语言基本功的能力,更指把这些基本功运用到实际涉外交际中的能力。后者也可称作“实用能力”。“应用能力”是“实用能力”的基础,“实用能力”则是“应用能力”的具体体现。  5.认真贯彻“学一点、会一点、用一点”,“听、说、读、写、译并重”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则。


《新编实用英语》系列教材是由教育部“高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会”根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》组织编写的。《新编实用英语》(第二版)系列教材是在《新编实用英语》第一版的基础上修订而成。本套教材认真贯彻了“学一点、会一点、用一点”、“听、说、读、写、译并重”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则。注重听说技能训练,注重对实用文体阅读能力的培养,将应用语言基本功的能力与实际涉外交际相结合。  《新编实用英语》系列教材还注重“教、学、考”相互照应。学完第2册可参加“高等学校英语应用能力考试”的B级考试。学完第4册可参加A级考试。  《新编实用英语综合教程》为《综合教程》(第二版)第2册,共8个单元,每个单元都由“说”、“听”、“读”和“写”4部分组成,另有一个“趣味阅读”部分。《新编实用英语综合教程》为4色印刷,版式精美。


1 INVITATIONS SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠAre You Really Being Invited?  PassageⅡ An Invitation Letter SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some Fun2 EMAlLS SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠOnline Growth Continued  PassageⅡ Pros and Cons of“Chatroom” SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some Fun3 COMMUNICATION BY PHONE SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠFor Conversation Press #1  PassageⅡ Communication by Phone in the U.S. SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some Fun4 MAKING RESERVATIONS SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠClimer Lodge  PassageⅡ Letter from the President SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some Fun5 AT A RESTAURANT SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠToledo:A Problem of Menus  PassageⅡ Toast at a Wedding SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some Fun6SHOPPING AND SIGHTSEEING SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠVisiting the Gateway Arch  PassageⅡ Ordering a Gift Online SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some Fun7 FAREWELL SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠThe Most Unforgettable Character I've Met  PassageⅡ A Farewell Speech SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some Fun8 APPLYING FOR A JOB SectionⅠTalking Face to Face SectionⅡ Being All Ears SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  PassageⅠApplying for a New Boss  PassageⅡ Beginning the Business SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand SectionⅤ Having Some FunNEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSVOCABULARYPHRASES


  Are the following statements true or false according to the passage?WriteT,F aCCordingIy.  1 The writer often chats with three strangers at home at the same time about nothing at a11.( )  2 The writer thinks chatting online can be good or bad.( )  3 Some experts think that chatting online is like taking drugs.( )  4 Meeting new friends in real life is not the same as doing SO online.( )  5 In real life,when we are very young we can form sensible relationships.( )  6 As members of society we tend to worry about what others think of US.( )  7 One of the problems with chatrooms is lying about personal identity.( )  8 By chatting online,we are often offended by others and told dirty jokes.( )  9 The writer thinks that some people decide to withdraw from society because of their absolute  honesty.( )  10 From lhis article.we can see that the writer believes that the advantages to chat rooms outweigh their disad Vantages.( )


  其他版本请见:《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:新编实用英语综合教程2 (第2版)(附MP3光盘1张)》




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