

王毅 高等教育











  “秘书”一词始于汉朝,可见我国文秘工作古而有之。现代社会中秘书更是各行各业不可缺少、较为热门的一种职业。  改革开放以来,特别是我国加入WTO之后,秘书或从事文秘工作人员有了国际工作环境。他们必须具备一定的英语口语、口译能力,有广博的国际知识和专业写作技巧,才能更好地做好沟通工作。  文秘专业的学生属于非英语专业的学生。他们系统、全面地学习了文秘专业的知识和理论,熟谙文秘工作,但是他们的英语,特别是英语语音和英语听说水平不够高。此外,他们还可能缺乏国际交往中的礼仪知识、宗教知识和英语实用写作技巧等。这些都会直接影响他们从事涉外工作的质量和效果。  为此,本教材从实际出发,针对文秘专业学生英语学习的薄弱环节编写,旨在为文秘专业学生和相关人员从事外事工作提供必要的知识和实际工作场景,使他们熟悉和掌握涉外文秘知识、技巧和实际操作过程。  本教材由理论知识学习和实际操作两部分组成。前者包括英语语音知识、涉外知识和英语实用写作技能,并提供了大量的练习;第二部分以一个秘书求职、处理日常工作、接待、担任谈判口译、陪外宾旅游参观购物、送行等为主线,提供了一个秘书所需的必要知识。  本教材在编写过程中,参考和借鉴了国内外出版的许多相关书籍,并引用了众多、实例,在此谨向这些图书的编者和作者表示衷心的感谢。  本教材由孙亦丽教授主审,北京联合大学应用文理学院外语系王毅任主编,北京联合大学应用文理学院外语系《秘书英语》编写组编写,具体分工如下(以下按姓氏笔划排列):  王-毅:全书设计、选材、统稿、整合;外交、语音等部分及第13和第15单元  刘雪红:宗教部分及第11单元  孙翼飞:秘书实务部分及第3、第5和第6单元  张春华:秘书口译和演讲部分及第8、第12和第14单元  陈建华:秘书写作部分及第1、第9和第10单元  都宁:秘书礼仪部分及第2、第4和第7单元  在编写《秘书英语》过程中,我们得到了北京大学外国语学院英语系刘树森教授、美国专家Iris Maurer博士、河北大学政法学院黄云明教授的热心帮助,得到了北京联合大学应用文理学院外语系领导和同志们的关心和支持,谨在此表示衷心感谢。  由于我们编写组水平有限,各种疏漏在所难免,恳请广大师生在使用后,不吝赐教,使该教材不断修正、补充,日臻完善。




Unit 1 How Does One Become a Secretary?Section 1 Being InterviewedSection 2 Preparing an InterviewSection 3 Writing a Letter of Application and ResumeSection 4 Getting Some Knowledge of a SecretaryUnit 2 How Does a Secretary Work at the Office?Section 1 Meeting the Office StaffSection 2 Getting Along Well with One s Boss and ColleaguesSection 3 Getting Some Knowledge of English Letters (1)Section 4 Getting Some Knowledge of Business Etiquette (1)Unit 3 How Does a Secretary Manage His/Her Office Efficiently?Section 1 Bringing Order to the OfficeSection 2 Keeping Your Office GreenSection 3 Organizing Your OfficeSection 4 Managing Records EffectivelyUnit 4 How Does a Secretary Receive Visitors?Section 1 Dealing with VisitorsSection 2 Being Courteous and EfficientSection 3 Get Some Knowledge of English Letters (2)Section 4 Get Some Knowledge of Business Etiquette (2)Unit 5 How Does a Secretary Handle Phone Calls?Section 1 Making and Answering Phone CallsSection 2 Telephoning EffectivelySection 3 Writing a Letter of IntroductionSection 4 Being Diplomatic (1)Unit 6 How Does a Secretary File Effectively?Section 1 Doing FilingSection 2 Filing EffectivelySection 3 Writing a Letter of CongratulationsSection 4 Being Diplomatic (2)Unit 7 How Does a Secretary Deal with Meetings?Section | Taking Minutes at a MeetingSection 2 Learning How to Take MinutesSection 3 Writing a Letter of Invitation (1)Section 4 Preparing a MeetingUnit 8 How Does a Secretary Host Visitors from Abroad?Section 1 Hosting American VisitorsSection 2 Being Dignified and GraciousSection 3 Writing a Letter of Invitation (2)Section 4 Getting to Know Christianity (l)Unit 9 How Does a Secretary Deal with Speeches ?Section 1 Interpreting at a BanquetSection 2 Learning SpeechesSection 3 Writing Ceremonial Speeches (1)Section 4 Getting to Know Christianity (2)Unit 10 How Does a Secretary Make Arrangements for Business?Section 1 Making an ItinerarySection 2 Planning EffectivelySection 3 Writing Ceremonial Speeches (2)Section 4 Getting to Know Islam (l)Unit 11 How Does a Secretary Make Reservations?Section | Booking Airline TicketsSection 2 Booking EffectivelySection 3 Writing MemosSection 4 Getting to Know Islam (2)Unit 12 How Does a Secretary Become an Efficient Guide ?Section 1 Visiting the Great WallSection 2 Being a Good GuideSection 3 Learning How to Make an AgendaSection 4 Getting to Know BuddhismUnit 13 How Does a Secretary Become a LearnedInternational Business Person?Section 1 Talking about International TradeSection 2 Getting to Know What is INCOTERMSSection 3 Learning How to Get Paid in International TradeSection 4 Getting to Know Import and Export DocumentationUnit 14 How Does a Secretary Interpret During Negotiations?Section 1 Acting as an Interpreter in NegotiationsSection 2 Interpreting EffectivelySection 3 Writing a Letter of CondolenceSection 4 Speaking English with Correct Pronunciation and Intonation (1)Unit 15 How Does a Secretary Deal with a Business Contract?Section 1 Talking about a Contract DraftSection 2 Getting Some Knowledge of a Business ContractSection 3 Learning How to Draft a Business ContractSection 4 Speaking English with Correct Pronunciation and Intonation (2)Unit 16 How Does a Secretary Guide the Guests to Go Shopping in China?Section 1 Making PurchasesSection 2 Being Jack ofAll Trades and Master ofNoneSection 3 Writing a Letter of Thanks(1)Section 4 Being a Calligrapher ofEnglish HandwritingUnit 17 How Does a Secretary Say Goodbye Impressively?Section 1 Seeing Guests offattheAirportSection 2 Saying Goodbye ImpressivelySection 3 Writing a Letter of Thanks(2)Section 4 GettingMoreInformation aboutBeing a Secretary附录一 英语单元音和双元音对照表附录二 名言、古训附录三 常用缩略词对照表附录四 剑桥国际考试·剑桥秘书技能执业证书·沟通和项目管理(2级)(1999年考试样卷)附录五 剑桥国际考试·剑桥秘书技能执业证书·办公室管理(2级)(1999年考试样卷)主要参考书目


  I Study the passage and imitate the recording of it in the disc attached to the book.  The term secretary comes from the Latin word secreterius, meaning "confidential employee".Today, a secretary is still an employee who is privy to confidential information. In that respect, the jobhas not changed.  As The Oxford English Dictionary states, a secretary is one who is entrusted with private orsecret matters and one who is employed to conduct correspondence, to keep records, and usuallyto transact various other business, for another person or for a society, corporation, or public body.American Professional Secretaries International (APSI) defines a secretary as an executive assistantwho possesses a mastery of office skills, demonstrates the ability to assume responsibility withoutdirect supervision, exercises initiative and judgment, and makes decisions within the scope of assignedauthority.  Accordingly, a secretary usually does almost everything in the office, such as: typing,keyboarding; transcribing; processing mail; telephoning;scheduling appointments; greeting visitors; composing andediting documents; researching and coordinating meetings,conferences, and teleconferences; making travel arrangements;handling reprography; and organizing time and work. Theseform the daily office routine for a secretary. In modem societythe secretary is an important member of the management team,responsible not only for carrying out the executives wishes butalso for helping to maintain a well-organized and efficient office.In other words, a secretary entering the work force faces manypossible job situations. Therefore only those who have receivedspecialized professional training will survive in a world wherethe methods of handling information are complex.  Technically, according to the survey by APSI in 1981, the titles of secretaries can be classifiedinto five categories: Administrative Assistant, Administrative Secretary, Executive Secretary,Secretary, and Secretary-Receptionist. Each has its techniques and qualifications, but they all musthave: secretarial skills, organizational ability, administrative ability, good communication skills, andself motivational skills before they serve as a professional secretary.





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