本书是为执教《搏流英语综合教程》系列教材的教师编写的教学参考书,共6册,对应(搏流英语综合教程)学生用书和《博流英语扩展教程》1至6册,本书除可供教师作为教学参考用书以外,还可以供自学《搏流英语综合教程》课程的学生作自学参考用书。 本书包括以下内容:(1)每单元的教学目标:(2)教学方法和步骤;(3)教师示范语言;(4)《搏流英语综合教程》答案和听力文本;(5)语法和词汇测试;(6)语法解释;(7)《搏流英语扩展教程》答案和听力文本。参考上述内容,教师可以对整个课程开展教学、评估和测试。本教材系由原版教材引进改编,我国教师在使用时要注意以下几点: 1.教学原则 本教材主张以学生为中心、以教师为主导的教学原则。教师要尽量从学生的语言水平、知识范围和学习能力出发,用“对子、小组、个别”等形式引导学生开展语言活动。在学生尝试语言交流的基础上,有的放矢地开展语言示范和语言讲解,然后在此基础上鼓励学生进一步开展语言交流活动,最后教师提供各种形式的反馈,如此层层推进,完成教学任务。要注意语言功能和结构知识之间的配合,反对只顾热闹,不顾语言知识,或只顾语言知识,不顾语言交际功能的教学方法。 2.内容取舍 本教材内容丰富,材料复杂,根据目前的课时结构可以有两种方法处理:一是听说课也部分采用
UNIT 1 Crossing BarriersUNIT 2 Moods and FeelingsSelf-Assessment Module 1UNIT 3 Making a LivingUNIT 4 Make Yourself at HomeSelf-Assessment Module 2UNIT 5 Modern LivingUNIT 6 Going PlacesSelf-Assessment Module 3UNIT 7 HistoryUNIT 8 Learning LessonsSelf-Assessment Module 4UNIT 9 Planet IssuesUNIT 10 The Cycle of LifeSelf-Assessment Module 5Key to Further Practice SectionTapescriptsKey to WorkbookTapescripts for Workbook
Interlocutor: Thank you. Self-Assessment Module 5 Presenter: Swarms of jellyfish are causing Scottish fish farmers quite abit of concern. Margaret Smith has the report. Woman" Silently, in their millions, they begin to appear. No one knowswhere the swarms come from or why - but they do come. In theShetlands, where fish farming is vital to the economy, the arrival ofthese jellyfish can spell disaster for the local people. Jellyfish float towards small marine animals which they sting oncontact and then eat. Farmed salmon, trapped inside cages, cannotescape. The fish are driven mad by the irritation, and end upthrowing themselves against the sides of their cages, causingthemselves serious injuries. Other jellyfish, which may not sting, drift into the cages and clog upthe gills of farmed fish, literally choking them to death. The death tollof farmed fish may measure in the millions.The effects on individual farmers can be catastrophic. It can mean atotal loss for a fish farm if a swarm appears. The problem with these jellyfish is that we know very little aboutthem. Jellyfish are ancient creatures, which have a strange andcomplicated lifestyle, but they have been ignored by science. Sincewe cant eat them and they are of no economic value, nobody hasstudied them. Now, all that is changing: jellyfish are causing us to lose money, andjellyfish studies are on the agenda. Ten universities have been recruited by the European Union to takepart in a three-year study. Their first task is to understand the lifestyleof these transparent killers, and then try to control them or at leastpredict what they will do next. Professor Lesley Duff of the Marine Biology department of theUniversity of Stifling briefed journalists this morning, and emphasisedthe amount of work that has to be done before an effective solutioncan be found. Some ideas include an early warning system for fishfarmers, which would allow them to stop feeding the fish for a fewdays and so make them stronger and able to live on less oxygen. Buthe didnt sound terribly optimistic about early solutions, pointing outthat the scientific communitys knowledge about jellyfish isembarrassingly limited. Research is focusing on three major areas around the North Sea.Sandsound Voe in Shetland, with its fish and mussel farms, is one ofthem. The second is Limf]orden in Denmark, an area of 1575 squarekilometres, which used to have an important fishery industry. After ajellyfish attack last year, the industry is in desperate trouble. Jellyfishare being blamed for eating the eggs of fish and - more worryingly -not allowing the ecosystem to recover. Finally, the third area is theMar Menor lagoon in Spain, an important tourist area. The lagoontraditionally supported an important population of fish, but stockshave almost disappeared. Jellyfish have always been present but twospecies, unrecorded until some years ago, have appeared. Theyunderwent a population explosion in 1993, a phenomenon that hasbeen repeated every summer since.Margaret Smith, north-west Scotland.