

杨盛林 高等教育出版社









  《新编实用英语》系列教材是由教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》组织编写的。《新编实用英语》(北京版)系列教材是在“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”《新编实用英语》第二版的基础上改编而成。本套教材认真贯彻了“学一点、会一点、用一点”、“听、说、读、写、译并重”和“边学边用、学用结合”的原则,注重听说技能训练,注重对实用文体阅读能力的培养,将应用语言基本功的能力与实际涉外交际相结合。  本套教材还注重“教、学、考”相互照应。学完第2册可参加“高等学校英语应用能力考试”的B级考试,学完第4册可参加A级考试。


  1 INVITATIONS  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ Are You Really Being Invited?  Passage Ⅱ An Invitation Letter  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun    2 EMAILS  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ Online Growth Continued  Passage Ⅱ Pros and Cons of "Chatroom"  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun    3 COMMUNICATION BY PHONE  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ For Conversation Press # 1  Passage Ⅱ Communication by Phone in the U.S.  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun    4 RESERVATIONS  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ Climer Lodge  Passage Ⅱ Letter from the President  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun    5 AT A RESTAURANT  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ Toledo: A Problem of Menus  Passage Ⅱ Toast at a Wedding  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun    6 SHOPPING AND SIGHTSEEING  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears  Section ill Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ Visiting the Gateway Arch  Passage Ⅱ Ordering a Gift Online  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun    7 FAREWELL  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ BeingAll Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met  Passage Ⅱ A Farewell Speech  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun    8 APLYING FOR A JOB  Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face  Section Ⅱ Being All Ears  Section Ⅲ Maintaining a Sharp Eye  Passage Ⅰ Applying for a New Boss  Passage Ⅱ Beginning the Business  Section Ⅵ Trying Your Hand  Section Ⅴ Having Some Fun  NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS  VOCABULARY  PHRASES






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