张玲 编
近年来,我国高职高专教育的改革和发展取得了长足的进步。无论是学校数量,还是在校生人数都占到普通高校总数和学生人数的一半以上。与此同时,高职高专英语专业的数量和学生人数也增长很快。为了满足新形势对高职高专英语专业教育和人才培养的要求,我们编写了这套“高职高专英语专业立体化系列教材”。该套教材被列为普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。 本套教材的编写力图体现我国高职高专英语专业的教学实践的特点,遵循高职高专教育“实用为主、够用为度”的总体指导方针,充分反映中国学生学习英语的学习规律和要求,同时体现我国英语教学研究的新成果:新思想和新理念。教材的设计充分考虑高职高专英语专业的课程设置、课时、教学要求应符合高职高专英语专业人才培养要求与目标,处理好打好英语语言基础与培养英语语言应用能力的关系,强调英语语言基本技能的训练与培养实际运用英语从事涉外交际活动的语言应用能力并重。 《英语听力教程》的编写主要以建构主义学习理论为指导,以帮助学生培养自主学习意识、提高自主学习能力和学习效率为目的,严格遵循本课程教学大纲的要求。教材内容涉及学生校内外的日常生活、英语国家的社会习俗、世界各地的人文地理知识、语言的故事、有关政治、经济、文化、体育等的新闻实事报道等。听力内容形式有单句、情景会话、访谈、讲座、故事、讨论、时事报道等。练习形式包括针对听力单项基本技能的选择填空、判断正误、词或词组填空、寻找关键词、判断不同语音语调的表达意图等;针对听力综合技能训练的听写、回答问题、复述或概述主要内容、做听力笔记等。
Unit 1 Sports Fans (1)Unit 2 Sports Fans (2)Unit 3 We Are Volunteers (1)Unit 4 We Are Volunteers (2)Unit 5 Home, Sweet HomeUnit 6 Life Always Makes Me HighUnit 7 The Emails Spoiled My DayUnit 8 To Be or Not to BeUnit 9 An Unforgettable Get-togetherUnit 10 Interest Is My Best FriendUnit 11 Backstreet BoysUnit 12 Animals Are Our FriendsUnit 13 Love the World TenderUnit 14 Lets Go HikingUnit 15 Say NO to Global WarmingUnit 16 We Are the World
Directions: You will hear 8 statements. Each will be read only once. At the end of each statement, you will be given 10 seconds to choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the statement. 1) A. Im surprised you havent seen the dean by now. B. The dean hasnt left the office yet. C. Why havent you and the dean gone? D. Do you know where the dean has gone? 2) A. Theres little time left for Kathy to finish. B. Kathy left to work on her project. C. Kathy finished the project in record time. D. The projector Kathy gave me isnt running properly. 3) A. We have to decide on a time for the meeting. B. You should take a course in sewing. C. The meat should be ready in a few minutes or so. D. We dont expect the meeting to be very long. 4) A. She misses her friends a lot. B. She was sorry she had misplaced her glasses. C. She was afraid to leave class early. D. She thought she might not arrive in time. 5) A. This has been an extraordinary week. B. I really feel weak today. C. What has been happening? D. Has it been here for seven days?