柏桦 著
大学英语是学生进入大学后必修的一门语言类课程。它既是一门语言技能基础课程,又是一门跨文化能力培养课程,在人才素质培养过程中起着举足轻重的作用。 在经济全球化进程不断加快的今天,我们需要不同层次的各类专业人才为社会服务。如何针对不同层次需求,培养具有较高跨文化交际能力且满足各类工作岗位需要的学生,是摆在我国高等教育面前一个急需解决的课题。因此,开展教材建设,采用多元化的人才培养模式组织教学,按照学习对象各自不同的语言基础,构建“分层教学、分类指导、分别达标”的课程体系刻不容缓。 《英语读写教程》(上、下册)遵循了“因材施教”的人本原则,充分考虑了学生的语言基础现实。采取由浅入深的编写方法使教材能够体现层次化和阶梯化。目前,针对中等水平以上学生所编写的教材已经比较丰富,但针对语言基础相对薄弱的学生所编写的教材尚显不足。鉴于此,编写组展开充分的调研,深入了解这部分学生的学习需求,编写了这套教材,以满足教学的需要。 《英语读写教程》(上、下册)的编写目的在于通过本教材的使用,使学生掌握2500左右的单词和短语,能够读懂中等难度以下的英文文章,了解西方的文化,并能够掌握一定的写作技巧,具备一定的写作能力。同时也兼顾对学生语音基础、语法基础的培养,使学生具备一定的语感,为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 《英语读写教程》(上、下册),注重内容的趣味性、广泛性、可思性和前瞻性,同时兼顾语言的规范性和文体的多样性。教材以话题导入教学内容,所涉及的话题有:大学生活、友情、餐饮、爱好、梦想、家庭、教育、节日、语言学习、网络、时尚、幸福与成功、生活方式、道德与准则、风度、旅行、爱情、文化、艺术、环境、名人、科学、个性、媒体、冒险、动物与自然、经济、压力、健康、灾难、社会问题和就业等方面。众所周知,阅读不仅是语言输入的主要来源,也是听、说、读、写、译等技能提高的主要基础,没有足够的语言输入,其他技能的发展也是有限的。因此,本教材补充了阅读赏析资料,使其行文布局更有利于学生的自主学习。
Unit 1 LOVEText 1 The Day ofLoveStructured Writing Choosing and Narrowing a TopicApplied Writing Application LetterText 2 LoveIsJust aThreadReading Skills A Tip for Speeding Up Your Reading(1)Text 3 The Apple TreeGrammar Focus 被动语态Unit 2 CULTUREText 1 VqhatCausestheCulturalDifferenceStructured Writing BrainstormingApplied Writing ResumeText2 TheChineseTeaCultureReading Skills ATipfor SpeedingUpYourReading(2)Text 3 WhenYouThinkoftheAmericanPopCultureGrammar Focus 不定式Unit 3 MUSIC&DANCINGText 1 BritishMusicStructured Writing GroupingApplied Writing CertificatesText 2 TheRoleDancingPlaysinaCultureReading Skills Guessing the Meaning of Words from Context(1)Text 3 JazzMusicGrammar Focus 动名词Unit 4 ENVIRONMENTText 1 Global WarmingStructuredWriting WritingtheTopic SentenceApplied Writing Recommendation LetterText 2 EnvironmentPledgeofGreenOlympicCaranlesReading Skills Guessing the Meaning of Words from Context(2)Text 3 WasteTreatmentGrammar Focus 分词Test Yourself(Units 1-4)Ullit 5 CELEBRmESText 1 John Fitzgerald KennedyStructured Writing Simple OutliningApplied Writing AdvertisementText 2 The Peoples PrincessReading Skills Reading for the Main IdeaText 3 YangLiweiGrammar Focus 分词的独立主格结构Unit 6 SCIENCEText 1 History ofthe Hot BalloonStructured Writing Writing a ParagraphApplied Writing Public SignsText2 DeathIs aNewInventionReading Skills SlangText 3 Who Is the VictimofScienceGrammar Focus 主谓一致Unit 7 PERSONALITYText 1 Types ofPersonafitiesStructured Writing The Topic SentenceApplied Writing Condolence and SympathyText2 Jane Eyre——ABeautifulSoulReading Skills Spotting Authors’Navigation AidsText 3 InsuranceAgentGrammar Focus 主语从句Unit 8 MEDIAText 1 Mass MediaStructured Writing The Concluding SentenceApplied Writing Lost and FoundText 2 Media EfieCtSReading Skills Reading Comprehension Question(1)Text 3 "relevisionGrammar Focus 宾语从句Test Yourself(Units 5—8)Unit 9 ADVENTUREText 1 BoostYour ConfidenceStructured Writing A Supporof the Controlling IdeaApplied Writing Credit LererText2 Russian、Flag PlantedUndertheNorthPoleReading Skills Reading Comprehension Question(2)Text 3 Spirit ofAdventureGrammar Focus 表语从句Unit 10 ECoNoMYText 1 Do Not Get Carried Away、with the GDPStructured Writing Comparison and ContrastApplied Writing Trade DisputeText2 AsianDevelopmentBankReading Skills Figurative Language(1)Text 3 Why Decry the Wealth GapGrammar Focus 同位语从句Unit 11 STRESSText 1 LearningtoHandleStressStructured Writing Cause and EffectApplied Writing Inquiries and RepliesText 2 ASpeechAboutStressReading Skills Figurative Language(2)Text 3 FeelingStressGrammar Focus 定语从句Unit 12 ANIMAL&NATUREText 1 Animal EducationStructured Writing Unity and CoherenceApplied Writing Replies tO InquiriesText 2 Protection Efforts forBirds in YunnanReading Skills ScanningText 3 Why Is Ecological Balance ImportantGrammar Focus 状语从句(一)TestYourself(Umts 9-12)Unit 13 HEAlTHText 1 A Gift ofLifeStructured Writing NarrationApplied Writing OfferText2 Drinkto—andfor—Y0amHealthReading Skills SkimmingText 3 Study:ObesityIs“SociallyContagious”Grammar Focus 状语从句(二)Unit 14 DISASTlERSText 1 AReport:TreatFloodsAs SeriouslyAsTerrorismStructured Writing DescriptionApplied Writing Acknowledging OrdersText 2 I-IiroshimaMemoriesReading Skills Extensive ReadingText 3 Tangshan Earthquake:A Deadly DisasterGrammar Focus 倒装Unit 15 SoCIAL PRoBLEMSText 1 Who ShouldTake ResponsibilityforKids’CrimesStructured Writing ExpositionApplied Writing Bargaining LetterText 2 FacingUptoViolenceinAmericaReading Skills Intensive ReadingText 3 Evaluation of Rural UnemploymentGrammar Focus 虚拟语气(一)Unit 16 JOBSText 1 A Career PlanStructured Writing ArgumentationApplied Writing ContractsText2 TenTipsforLeadersReading Skills A Review of Figurative LanguageText 3 DoYouHavePassionforYourJobGrammar Focus 虚拟语气(二)Test Yourself(Units 13-16)Appendix 1 The Appreciation of English ArticlesAppendix 2 GlossaryAppendix 3 KeystoTestYourself
Questions 16 to 20 are based 011.the following passage. More than seven hundred years ago,the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave clog called Gelert.One daythe Prince wanted to go hunting witll his men.He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son.Thebaby was in a wooden cradle.which was like a small bed. When the Prince came back from hunting,Gelert ran out to meet his master.He wagged his tail and jumpedup to put his paws on the Princes chest.Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelerts jaws and head.“What haveyou done?”the Prince said.He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son,The cradle was lying on its sideon the floor.The clothes were torn and there was blood on them.“So you have killed my son?”the Prince saidangrily.“You unfaithful dog!”He took out his sword and killed the dog. Just as Gelert was dying,he managed to bark.Then the Prince heard a baby call to the dog.The Prince ranout of the house and saw his son lying on the ground unhurt.Near him was a dead wolf.Then the Prince knewthat Gelert had defended the baby and killed the wolf.The Prince rail back into the house but he was too late.Gelert was dead.The Prince was very sad indeed.Tears ran down his face when he realized he had killed hisfaithful friend. The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried him there.After this,thePrince never smiled again.Every morning at dawn,he walked up the mountain and stood by the dogs grave for afew minutes.If you go to Mount Snowdon in Wales,people will show you where Gelert is buried.There is a signby his grave.It reminds people of a brave and faithful dog.