

王立非 高等教育出版社











  随着全球化进程的加速发展,文化全球化和经济全球化的深入推进,高等教育,特别是英语专业教育在新的历史转型期的文化交融层面越来越肩负着举足轻重的社会责任。因此,为了培养具有扎实的英语基本功、相关的专业知识和文化知识、较强的英语综合应用能力和创新思维的人才,为不断深入的大学英语教学改革培养和提供师资,而且立足于中国语境,用全球化的理念和视角进行教材设计,我们策划了“高等院校英语专业立体化系列.教材”。  实现这一具有时代意义的战略任务需要广大英语专业教师树立执着的敬业精神,制订科学的、高水平的、切合实际的英语专业教学大纲,编写出版能充分体现大纲要求的有关课程(必修和选修)的配套教材,以及开发为课堂教学和学生自主化学习服务的、与新型电子化教学仪器设备配套的教学软件系统。由高等教育出版社策划并陆续出版的“高等院校英语专业立体化系列教材”作为“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”,就是为实现英语专业教学改革这一历史任务服务的。  为实现以上目的和任务,本系列教材注重以下方面:  1.注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力和文化鉴赏与批判能力。在教材设计时体现“全球视野,中国视角”的理念。这就是说,本系列教材在保持各门课程的思想性和批判性的优良传统外,既向学生提供西方文化背景知识,也引导学生鉴赏和学习我国的优秀文化传统。要让学生在多元文化的背景下,熟悉掌握中外文化的共同点和差异。在这个基础上,培养学生的鉴别和比较能力,启发和诱导学生进行创新思维。


  The purpose of this book is to1. introduce SI,A as an independent field of study,2. review the linguistic and pedagogic aspects of SLA,3. define the key concepts of SI,A,4- view critically existing theories of SLA,5. understand the individual learner differenccs,6. analyze learner language,7. discuss the SLA research methods.


Unit 1 Introducing Second Language Acquisition.1.1 What Is Second Language Acquisition?1.2 Why Is Second Language Acquisition Important?1.3 Which Areas Does Second Language Acquisition Study?1.4 How Long Is the History of Second Language Acquisition?Unit 2 Reviewing Bases of Second Language Acquisition2.1 What Is Language?2.2 Different Views About Language2.3 Nature of Learning2.4 Misconceptions of Learning2.5 Mystery of First Language AcquisitionUnit 3 Defining Concepts of Second Language Acquisition3.1 Competence and Performance3.2 First Language, Second Language, and Foreign Language3.3 Acquisition and Learning3.4 Input and Output3.5 Interlanguage3.6 Variability3.7 Fossilization3.8 Language TransferUnit 4 Theorizing About Second Language Acquisition4.1 UniversalGrammar4.2 Interlanguage Theory4.3 Monitor Theory4.4 Connectionism4.5 Construction Grammar4.6 Acculturation Model4.7 Sociocultural TheoryUnit 5 Identifying Learner Differences5.1 Learning Styles5.2 Learning Strategies5.3 Learning Aptitude5.4 Learning Intelligence5.5 Learning Motivation5.6 Learner Personality5.7 Learning AgeUnit 6 Analyzing Learner Language6.1 Contrastive Analysis6.2 Error Analysis6.3 Learner Corpus AnalysisUnit 7 Researching Second Language Acquisition7.1 What Is Second Language Research?7.2 Types of Second Language Acquisition Research Methods7.3 Procedures of Second Language Research7.4 Conducting Second Language Acquisition ResearchKeyReferences


  By "system" we mean the recurring patterns or arrangements or the par-ticular ways or designs in which a language operates. All elements in thesystem of a language are arranged in accordance with certain rules; theycannot be combined at will. In English, for example, "brip" is not an ac-ceptable word; "He tables a green" is not an acceptable sentence, either. Itis because the sounds that are used to form words and the words that areused to form sentences do not appear at random, but are arranged and usedin fixed patterns according to certain systems or rules so that speakers of alanguage can understand one another. If a language were not systematic, itcould not be learned or used consistently.By "arbitrary vocal symbols" it is meant that anything that representssomething else is a symbol, for example, a dove is the symbol of peace.These symbols are not chosen for any particular reasons, but at random.That is to say, the relationship between the sound symbols and the objects,events, or ideas that these symbols represent are arbitrary. Language is ar-bitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between the word"pen" and the thing we use to write with. Although the choice of certainsound symbols to represent certain objects, events, or ideas is arbitrary,once the relationship is established, it becomes a fixed convention; i.e., theuse of these sound symbols is by no means arbitrary, but follows certainconventions that speakers of the language have agreed upon. It is becausethe sounds and words of a language are used in fixed ways that the speakersof the language can understand one another, thus making communicationsand interaction possible.


  体系完整,重点突出  简明易懂,启发思考  习题丰富,注重应用  编排新颖,易于操作





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